Vaste Planten | Acaena buchananii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena caesiiglauca Fricart | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena glaucophylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena hybride Blue Haze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena magellanica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena microphylla | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena microphylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena microphylla Dichte Matyte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena microphylla Kupferteppich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acaena microphylla wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus hungaricus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus hungaricus White Lips | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus hybride Whitewater | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus mollis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus mollis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus mollis Hollards Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus mollis Jeff Albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus mollis Latifolius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus Mornings Candle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acanthus spinosus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea ageratifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea filipendulina Cloth of Gold | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea filipendulina Cloth of Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea filipendulina Credo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea filipendulina Helios | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea filipendulina Parker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea huterii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Coronation Gold | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Coronation Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Moonshine | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Moonshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Moonwalker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Petra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Taygetea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea hybride Velour | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea kellereri | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea mill.Forncett Fletton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea mill.Heinrich Vogeler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millef.Hella Glashoff | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Alabaster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Apfelbl?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Appleblossom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Apricot Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Cerise Queen | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Cerise Queen | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Cerise Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Chamois | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Cherry Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Christel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Christina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Excel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Fanal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Feuerland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Gold Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Hannelore P?hl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Heinrich Vogeler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Hella Glashoff | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Hoffnung | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Jacqueline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Lachsschonheit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Laura | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Lilac Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Little Moonshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Maskerade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Melanie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium mix | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Mondpagode | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Natalie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Paprika | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Pink Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Pomegranate | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Pretty Women | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Red Velvet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Sammetriese | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Schneetaler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Schwefelbl?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Serenade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Smiling Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Stephanie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Summer Pastels | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Summer Pastels | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Summerwine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Sweet Harmony | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Taygeta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Terracotta | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Terracotta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Walter Funke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Wesersandstein | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium White Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Wonderful Wampee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea millefolium Yellow Stone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Moonshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea odorata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea ptarmica Nana Compacta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea ptarmica Perrys White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea ptarmica The Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea ptarmica Weihenstephan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Rainbow Cr?me de la Cr?me | – | 3,6 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Rainbow Ending Blue | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Rainbow Ending Blue | – | 3,6 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Terra Cotta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea tomentosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea tomentosa Aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Tutti Frutti Abricot Delight | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Tutti Frutti Abricot Delight ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Tutti Frutti Grapefruit | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Tutti Frutti Grapefruit ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea Tutti Frutti Pomegranate ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Achillea umbellata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acinos alpinus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum cammarum Bicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum carmichaelii Arendsii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum carmichaelii var.wilsonii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum henryi Sparks Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum hybride Eleonara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum hybride Stainless Steel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum lamarckii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum napellus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum napellus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum napellus Rubellum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum napellus Schneewittchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aconitum septentrionale Ivorine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acorus gramineus Hakuro-nishiki | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acorus gramineus Oborozuki | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Acorus gramineus Ogon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea Black Beauty | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea pachypoda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea pachypoda Misty Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea racemosa | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea racemosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea racemosa | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea ramosa | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simp. Atropurpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simp. Atropurpurea | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simp. Brunette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simp. White Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simplex Atropurpurea | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simplex Atropurpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simplex Brunette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simplex James Compton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simplex Pink Spike | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Actaea simplex White Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Adonis vernalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aegopodium podograria Variegatum | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Aegopodium podograria Variegatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aethionema armenum Warley Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aethionema armenum Warley Ruber | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus | 30/35 | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus Albus | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus Albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus Albus | 25/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus Albus | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus Albus | 60/80 | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus africanus Twister | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Baby Pete | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus blauw | 50/60 | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Bridal bouquet | 60/80 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Brillant Blue | 40/60 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Dr. Brouwer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Headburne Hybrids Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Headburne Hybrids White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Black Pantha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Blue Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Blue Triomphator | – | 15 Terra |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Blue Triumphator | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Blue Triumphator | – | 7 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Blue Triumphator | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 25 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 3 Gold |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 17 Terra |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 25 Terra |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 40 Terra |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm ? | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm ? | – | 25 Terra |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm ? | – | 40 Terra |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Bluestorm ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Briljant Blue | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Brillant Blue | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Donau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Dr. Brouwer | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Dr. Brouwer | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Dr. Brouwer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride dr. Brouwer | 60/80 | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Golden Drop | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Golden Drop | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Lilliput | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Mi Casa | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Misty Dawn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Navy Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Peter Pan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Purple Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Seafoam | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Snowball | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Snowstorm | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Snowstorm | – | 18 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Snowstorm | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Sofie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Sofie | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Stargazer | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Stars and Stripes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Sunfield | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Sunfield | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Tornado | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Umbellatus Albus | – | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Umbellatus Ovatus | – | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride White Heaven | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus hybride Windsor Grey | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus intermedia | 60/80 | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Northern Star | 60/80 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Polar Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Snowstorm | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Snowstorm | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Snowstorm ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Umbellatus Albus | – | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Umbellatus Ovatus | – | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus Umbellatus Ovatus | 30/35 | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Agapanthus wit | 50/60 | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache After Eight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache barberi Firebird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache foeniculum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache foeniculum Black Adder | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache foeniculum Black Adder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache foeniculum Black Adder | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache foeniculum Golden Jubilee | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache foeniculum Golden Jubilee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride After Eight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Black Adder | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Black Adder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Blue Boa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Blue Fortune | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Blue Fortune | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Kolibri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Purple Haze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Serpentine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Summer Fiesta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Summer Gmow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache hybride Summer Sunset | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache mexicana Mauve Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache mexicana Red Fortune | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache rugosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache rugosum Alabaster | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache rugosum Alabaster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache urticifolia Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agastache urticifolia Coerulea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Agrimonia eupatoria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajania pacifica Gold and Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga genevensis Tottenham | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga pyramidalis Crispa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga pyramidalis Metallica Crispa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Arctic Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Atropurpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Atropurpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Black Scallon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Black Scallop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Braunherz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Catlins Giant | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Catlins Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Chocolat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Chocolata Chip | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Ebony | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Evening Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Jungle Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Mahagany | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Multicolor (Rainbow) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Purple Brocade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Purple Torch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Sanne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Schneekerze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Silver Shadow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Simons Type | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans St?lzle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Vanilla Chip | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga reptans Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ajuga tenorii Valfredda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcalthaea suffrutescans Parkallee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea ficifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea pallida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea Charters Double Gelb | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea Charters Double Rosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea Charters Double Rot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea Charters Double Weiss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea Nigra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea plena chaters donkergeel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea plena chaters gemengd | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea plena chaters kersrood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea plena chaters purper | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea plena chaters rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea plena chaters wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rosea Simplex | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alcea rugosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla caucasica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla conjuncta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla epipsila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla erythropoda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla hoppeana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | 10/12 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | 10/15 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla mollis Triller | 20/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Alchemilla vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium aflatunense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium aflatunense Purple sensation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium aflatunense Purple sensation | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Allium aflatunense Purple sensation | 12/+ | – |
Vaste Planten | Allium Atropurpureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium caeruleum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium giganteum | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Allium giganteum | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Allium giganteum | 22/+ | – |
Vaste Planten | Allium giganteum Globemaster | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Gladiator | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Gladiator | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Gladiator | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Globemaster | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Mont Blanc | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Mont Blanc | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Mont Blanc | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Mount Everest | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Mount Everest | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium Mount Everest | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Allium neapolitanum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium nigrum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium senescens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Allium senescens | 60/80 | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Allium White Giant | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Allium White Giant | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Alstroemeria aurea Orange King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alstroemeria hybride Freedom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alstroemeria hybride Sweet Laura | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Althaea officinalis Romney Marsh | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Althaea rosea plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alyssum montanum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alyssum montanum Berggold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alyssum saxatile Goldkugel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alyssum saxatile Plenum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Alyssum saxatile Sulphureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amnophila arenaria | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Amnophila arenaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amnophila arenaria | 30/40 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amnophila arenaria | 50/60 | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia ciliata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia hubrichtii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia hybride Blue Ice | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia hybride Blue Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia orientalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia tabernaemontana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Amsonia tabernaemontana var. Salicifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anacyclus Garten Gnome White | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis alpicola | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis margaritacea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis margaritacea Neuschnee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis margaritacea Schwefellicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplin. Silberregen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplinervis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplinervis | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplinervis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplinervis | 7/9 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplinervis Sommerschnee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anaphalis triplinervis Sommerschnee | 25/30 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anchusa azurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anchusa azurea Dropmore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anchusa azurea Loddon Royalist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Androsace sarmentosa | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone blanda Blue Shades | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone blanda Pink Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone blanda White Splendour | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone canadensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone cylindrica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupeh.Splendens | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis K?nigin Charlotte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Little Princess | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Praecox | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Prinz Heinrich | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Prinz Heinrich | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Prinz Heinrich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis September Charm | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis September Charm | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis September Charm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis September Charm | 7/8/9 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Splendens | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hupehensis Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Andrea Atkinson | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Andrea Atkinson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Bressingham Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Coupe dArgent | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Coupe dArgent | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Dreaming Swan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride E.C. Buxton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Elegans | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Elfin Swan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Geante des Blanches | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Hadspen Abundance | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Hadspen Abundance | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Hadspen Abundance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Honorine Jobert | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Honorine Jobert | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Honorine Jobert | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Honorine Jobert | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Honorine Jobert | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Honorine Jobert | 8/10 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Konigin Charlotte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride K?nigin Charlotte | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride K?nigin Charlotte | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride K?nigin Charlotte | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride K?nigin Charlotte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Lady Gilmour | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Lorelei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Loreley | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Margareta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Margarete | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Mont Rose | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Mont Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Ouvert?re | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Pamina | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Pamina | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Pamina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Richard Ahrens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Rosenschale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Rotk?ppchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride September Charm | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride September Charm | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride September Charm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Serenade | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Serenade | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Serenade | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Serenade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Whirlwind | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Whirlwind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Whirlwind | 60/80 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone hybride Wild Swan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone levellei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone Lieutenant | Bloembollen | – |
Vaste Planten | Anemone multifida Major | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone multifida Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone multifida Rubra | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone multifida Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone narcissiflora var.crinita | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone nemerosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone nemerosa Robinsoniana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone nemerosa Robinsoniana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone ranunculoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone rivularis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone Sylphude De Caen | Bloembollen | – |
Vaste Planten | Anemone sylvestris | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone sylvestris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone Thje Bride De Caen | Bloembollen | – |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa albadura | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Robustissima | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Robustissima | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Robustissima | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Robustissima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Serenade | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Serenade | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Anemone tomentosa Serenade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Antennaria dioica Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Antennaria dioica var. borealis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis hyb. E.C.Buxton | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis hyb. Sauce Hollandaise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis hybrida E.C. Buxton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis hybrida Tetworth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis hybridab Susanna Mitchell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis hybride E.C. Buxton | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis roos | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis tinctoria Charme | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthemis tinctoria Lemon Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthericum liliago | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthriscus sylvestris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Anthriscus sylvestris Ravenswing | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia alpina blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia alpina rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia alpina wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia atrata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia caerulea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia caerulea Juwel Weiss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia canadensis Littel Lanterns | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia chrysantha Yellow Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia coerulea Koralle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia coerulea Snow Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia cultorum Blue Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia cultorum Maxistar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia flabellata Jewel Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia flabellata Ministar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia flabellata Nana Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Biedermeier | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Biedermeier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Blue Barlow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Crimson Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Dragonfly Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Himmelblau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride McKana Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Mrs.M.Nicholls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Nora Barlow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride Nora Barlow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia hybride William Guiness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia M.Nichols | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia maritima Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia maritima Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia Navy Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia Nora Barlow | 30/40 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia olympica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulg.Woodside Variegated | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Black Barlow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Black Barrow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Bleu Barlow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Blue Barrow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Blue Barrow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Grandmothers Garden | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Green Apples | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Heidi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Ruby Port | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris White Barlow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris William Guiness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aquilegia vulgaris Woodside Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis alpina Snow Cap | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis blepharophylla | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis blepharophylla Fr?hlingszauber | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis caucasica Bakkely | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis caucasica Hedi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis caucasica Pinkie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis caucasica Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis caucasica Schneehaube | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis caucasica Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii Old Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis procurrens Neuschnee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis suendermanii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arabis wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arctanthemum arcticum Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Vancouver Jade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arenaria montana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Arenaria montana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arenaria montana White | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria Bees Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria juniperifolia Bevans Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria juniperifolia Brookside | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Armada Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Armada White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Bees Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Deep Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima D?sseldorfer Stolz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Sch?ne von Fellbach | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Splendens | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria maritima Vesuv | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Armeria pseudoarmeria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arnica chamissonis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arnica montana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia abrotanum Courson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia dracunculus Senior | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia lactiflora Guizhou | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia lactiflora Jim Russel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia lud. Silver Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia lud. Valerie Finnis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia Powis Castle | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia Powis Castle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia schmidtiana Nana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia stell. Boughton Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Artemisia stelleriana Boughton Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Arum italicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus aethusifolius | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus aethusifolius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus aethusifolius Horatio | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus dioicus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus dioicus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus dioicus | 30/40 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus dioicus | 60/80 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus dioicus (sylvestris) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus dioicus Kneiffii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus hybride Horatio | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus hybride Johannisfest | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus hybride Misty Lace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aruncus sinensis Zweiweltenkind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asarum canadense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asarum caudatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asarum europaeum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asarum splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asclepias incarnata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asclepias incarnata Ice Ballet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asclepias incarnata White Superior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asclepias syriaca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asclepias tuberosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asclepias tuberosa Gay Butterflies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asperula nitida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asphodeline lutea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Adustus Nanus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Ashvi | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Ashvi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Asmoe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Asran | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Asran | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Asran | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Eleven Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Ezo Murazaki | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Harry Schmidt | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Stardust | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ageratoides Starshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpellus Junifreude | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpellus Triumph | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Bleu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Dunkle Sch?ne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Goliath | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Happy End | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Tongolensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus Violet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster alpinus White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Blue King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Breslau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Butzemann | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Crimson Brocade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Dr Otto Petschek | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Flora Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Lady Hudlip | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Mira | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Peach Blossom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Pink Zenith | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Rosa Erf?llung | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Rotfeuer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Rudolf Goethe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus September Glory | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Sonia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Sonora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Sternkugel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amellus Veilchenk?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amethystinus Freiburg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster amethystinus Kylie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster andersonii Apollo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster Coombe Fishacre | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster cordifolius Bl?tenregen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster cordifolius Ideal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster cordifolius Little Carlow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster cordifolius Photograph | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster cordifolius Silver Spray | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster divaricatus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aster divaricatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster divaricatus Beth Chatto | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster divaricatus Tradescant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Alice Haslam | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Anneke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Augenweide | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Bahamas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Barbados | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Conny | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Dasfour | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Early Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Gaia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Herbstgruss v.Bresserhof | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Herbstpurzel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Jenny | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Kassel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Kristina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Lady in Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Nesth?kchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Oktoberschneekuppel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Peter Harrison | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Peter Pan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Pilou | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Prof.Anton Kippenberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Rosemarie Sallmann | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Rosenwichtel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Samoa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Schneekissen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Silberblaukissen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Starlight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Tina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster dumosus Zwergenhimmel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Blue Wonder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Erlk?nig | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Esther | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Golden Spray | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster erico?des Golden Spray | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Herbstmyrte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Lovely | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Prostate Form | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Schneegitter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ericoides Schneetanne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster frikartii Jungfrau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster frikartii M?nch | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aster frikartii M?nch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster frikartii Wunder von St?fa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster glahnii Agleni | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Ashvi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Carmen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Deep Pink Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Esther | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Golden Sunshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Herfstweelde | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Ochtendgloren | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Pink Star | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Pink Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Woods Light Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster hybride Woods Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster island Bahamas ? | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Aster island Barbados ? | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Aster island Ibiza ? | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Aster island Samoa ? | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Aster island Tonga ? | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Aster Lady in Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster laevis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Aster laevis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster laevis Blauschleier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster laevis Calliope | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Bleke Bet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Chloe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Coombe Fishacre | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Daisy Bush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Horizontalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Lady in Black | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster lateriflorus Prince | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster linosyris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster macrophyllus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster macrophyllus Albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster macrophyllus Niobe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster macrophyllus Twilight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster Monte Cassino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster n.-ang Andenken an Alma P?tschke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster n.-angl Andenken an Paul Gerber | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster natalensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae And. An Alma P?tschke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Barrs Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Barrs Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Elisabeth Pots | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Herbstschnee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Purple Dome | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Rudelsburg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Septemberrubin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novae-angliae Violetta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Beechwood Challenger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Bl?tenmeer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Crimson Brocade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Dauerblau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Elta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Eventide | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Fellowship | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Fellowship | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Flamingo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Gayborder Splendour | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Karminkuppel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Lady Francis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Lisette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Marie Ballard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Patricia Ballard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Plenty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Porzellan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Reitlingstal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Rosaperle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Rosenh?gel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Rosenponpon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Rosenquarz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Royal Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Schneeberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Sch?ne von Dietlikon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Steinebruck | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Strawberry & Cream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Terrys Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Velvet Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Weisses Ladies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Weisses Wunder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster novi-belgii Winston Churchill | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster oblongifolius October Skies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster pringlei Monte Cassino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster Prof. Anton Kippenberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster ptarmicoides Major | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster pyrenaeus Lutetia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster radula | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster rugulosus Asrugo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster Schneekissen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster sedifolius (acris) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster sedifolius Nanus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster tataricus Jindai | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster thompsonii Nanus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster tongolensis Berggarten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster tongolensis Napsbury | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster tongolensis Wartburgstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster turbinellus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster umbellatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster umbellatus Weisser Schirm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aster vimineus Lovely | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Asteromoea mongolica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astiboides tabularis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Amerika | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Amethyst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Brautschleier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Bressingham Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Bumalda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Cattleya | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Color Flash | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Deutschland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Diamant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Erika | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Etna | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Etna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Fanal | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Fanal | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Fanal | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Fanal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Federsee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Gertrud Brix | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Gloria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Gloria Purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Glut | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Glut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Granat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Grete P?ngel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Hyazinth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Irrlicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Lollipop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Rock and Roll | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Rotlicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Snowdrift | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Spinell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Walkure | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Weisse Gloria | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe arendsii Weisse Gloria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Finale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Intermezzo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Pumila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Purple Glory | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Purpurkerze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe chinensis Veronica Klose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe crispa Perkeo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe hybride Pink Lightning | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe hybride Touch of Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe hybride Vision in Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe hybride Visison in red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Alexandra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Bonn | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Bonn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Bremen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Deutschland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Elisabeth van Veen | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Europa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Gladstone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Koblenz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica K?ln | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica K?ln | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Mainz | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Mainz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Montgomery | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Peach Blossom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Queen of Holland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Red Sentinel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Rheinland | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Rheinland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Vesuvius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Washington | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe japonica Washington | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe rivularis Grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe simplicifolia Bronce Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe simplicifolia Dunkellachs | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe simplicifolia Hennie Graafland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe simplicifolia Inshriach Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe simplicifolia Sprite | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe simplicifolia William Buchanan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe thunbergii Betsy Cuperus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe thunbergii Moerheimii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe thunbergii Prof.van der Wielen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilbe thunbergii Straussenfeder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilboides tabularis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astilboides tabularis | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia Berendien | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia Berendien Stam | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia gracilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia involucrata Snow Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia involucrata Snowstar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Buckland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Claret | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Florence | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Hadspen Blood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Lars | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Lars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Moulin Rouge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Pink Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Pink Sensation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Primadonna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Princess Sturdza | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Roma | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Roma | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Rosensinfonie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Ruby Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Ruby Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Ruby Wedding | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Shaggy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Snow Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Star of Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Star of Billion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Sunningdale Variegated | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Super Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Superstar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia major Venice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Astrantia maxima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta gracilis Kitte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Agnete | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Alix Brett | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride April Joy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Argenteovariegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Arknoll | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Aureovariegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Blaumeise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Blaumeise blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Blue Emperor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Bob Saunders | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Bressingham Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Cascade blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Cascade bleu | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Cascade bleu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Cascade purper | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Cascade rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Dantra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Doctor Mules | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Double Stock-flow.Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Downers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Downers Bont | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Fiona | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Greencourt Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Gurgedyke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Hamburger Stadtpark | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Hartswood Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Hendersonii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Joy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Leichtlinii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Lemon and Lime | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Little Gem | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Lodge Crave | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Neuling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Oakington Lavender | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Red Carpet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Red Dyke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Riverslea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Rosanna Miles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Rosenkissen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Schloss Eckberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Tauricola | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta hybride Whitewell Gem | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta pourpre | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aubrieta tauricola Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aurinia saxatalis Goldkugel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aurinia saxatalis Sulphureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Aurinia saxatilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Azorella trifurcata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Baptisia australis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Baptisia australis Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Baptisia australis Starlite pr?rieblues | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Baptisia australis Twilight Pr?rieblues | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bellis perennis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Bellis perennis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Angel Kiss Dragonfly | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Angel Kiss Dragonfly | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Bressingham White | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia ciliata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Cordifolia | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Cordifolia | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Cordifolia | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia Herbstbl?te | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia Herbstbl?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia Purpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia Rotblum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia cordifolia Winterglow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Angel Kiss | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Angel Kiss | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Flirt | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Flirt | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Pink | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Pink | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Sakura | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Spring Fling | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Dragonfly Spring Fling | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Flirt Dragonfly | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Abendglut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Admiral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Baby Doll | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Bach | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Bartok | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Bressingham Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Bressingham White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Claire Maxime | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Edens Dark Margin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Edens Magic Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Ice Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Morgenr?te | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Morgenr?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Ouverture | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Rosi klose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Silberlicht | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Silberlicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Summer Mountain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Winterglut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia hybride Winterm?rchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Pink Dragonfly | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Pink Dragonfly | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia purpurascens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Sakura Dragonfly | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Sakura Dragonfly | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Spring Fling | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Bergenia Spring Fling Dragonfly | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Boltonia asteroides Snowbank | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Boltonia asteroides var. latisquama | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Boykinia major | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brachyglottis Sunshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Alexanders Great | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Betty Bowring | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Dawsons White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Emerald Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Green Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Hadspen Cream | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Hadspen Cream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Kings Ransom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Langtrees | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Little Jack | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Looking Glass | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Silver Wings | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Variegata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera macrophylla Variegata | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Brunnera sibirica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Buglossoides purpurocoerulea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Buphthalmum salicifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Butomus umbellatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha clinopodium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha cretica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha grandiflora | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha grandiflora Weisser Riese | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta Blue Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta Lilac Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta nepeta | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta nepeta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta nepeta wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta subsp. nepeta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha nepeta White Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calamintha sylvatica Menthe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calceolaria falklandica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calendula officinalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calla aethiopica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Calocephalus brownii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Camassia Blaue Donau | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Camassia Blue candle | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Camassia Leichtlinii Alba | – | – |
Vaste Planten | Campanula alliariifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula Birch Hybrid | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula Blue Rivolet ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica Blaue Clips | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica Karl Foerster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica Karpatenkrone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica persicifolia blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica persicifolia white | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica portenschlagiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica poscharskyana bleu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica poscharskyana white | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula carpatica Weisse Clips | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula cochleariifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula cochleariifolia Blaue Taube | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula cochleariifolia blauw(pusilla) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula cochleariifolia Friedenstaube | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula garganica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula garganica Dicksons Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula garganica major | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula glomerata Acaulis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula glomerata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula glomerata Caroline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula glomerata Joan Elliott | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula glomerata Schneekrone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula glomerata Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Bernice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Elisabeth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Jenny | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Kent Belle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Molly Pinsent | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Pink Octopus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Royal Wave | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula hybride Sarastro | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactifl. Prichards Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora Loddon Anne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora Pouffe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora Prichards Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora Senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula lactiflora White Pouffe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula latifolia var. macrantha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula latifolia var.macrantha Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula latiloba Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia Chiswell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia Coerulea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia La Belle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia La bonne Amie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula persicifolia Telham Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula portenschlagiana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula portenschlagiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula portenschlagiana | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula portenschlagiana Catherina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharsk. Schneekrone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharsk. Trollkind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Blauranke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana E.H.Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Lisduggan Var. | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Stella | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Stella | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Stella | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Trollkind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula poscharskyana Wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula pulloides G.F.Wilson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula punctata Wedding Bells | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula pyramidalis Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula pyramidalis blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula rapunculoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula rotundifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula sarmat.Hemelstraling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula tachasamense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula takesimana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula takesimana Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula trachelium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Campanula trachelium Bernice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cardamina pratensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cardamine pratensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Carlina acaulis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Carlina acaulis ssp. simplex | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Catananche caerulea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Catananche caerulea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Caulophyllum thalictroides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea dealbata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea dealbata Steenbergii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea hybride Caramia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea hypoleuca John Coutts | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea jacea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea macrocephala | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Amethyst Snow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Black Sprite | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Coerulea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Jordy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Purple Heart | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea montana Violetta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea nigra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centaurea pulcherrima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber Albiflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber Albus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber Albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber Coccineus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber Coccineus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Centranthus ruber Kempenhof | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cephalaria alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cephalaria gigantea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cerastium biebersteinii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cerastium tomentosum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Cerastium tomentosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cerastium tomentosum Yo Yo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma Forest Blue | 30/35 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma Forest Blue | 30/40 | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma griffithii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma plumbaginoides | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma plumbaginoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Gentian Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma willmottianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ceratostigma willmottianum | 30/40 | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Chaenorhinum origanifolium Blue Dream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chamaemelum nobile | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chamaemelum nobile Flore Pleno | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chamaemelum nobile Treneague | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chamaemelum nobilis Treneague | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Charmerion (Epilobolium) latifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chelidonium majus / Stinkende gouwe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chelone lyonii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chelone lyonii Hot Lips | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chelone obliqua | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chelone obliqua Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chelonopsis moschata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chiastophyllum oppositif.Variegatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chiastophyllum oppositifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chiastophyllum oppositifolium Variegatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chionodoxa luciliae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum arcticum Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum Astrix ? | Super | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum cocc. Robinsons Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum cocc. Robinsons Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum coronarium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum hybride Mei-Kyo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Brennpunkt | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Ceddie Mason | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Citrus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Dernier Soleil | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Edelweiss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Feuerzauber | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Goldmarianne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Herbstbrokat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Julia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Orchid Helen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Ordensstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Poesie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Red Velvet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Rozette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Satelite | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum ind.Schloss Taverne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Maik?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum macrophyllum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum max.Christine Hagemann | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maxim Silberprinzesschen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maxim Snow Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maximum Alaska | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maximum Etoile dAnvers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maximum Polaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maximum Stina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum maximum Wirral Supreme | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum nipponicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum pacific Gold and Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum parth Sissinghurst White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum rub Duchess of Edinburgh | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum rubellum Clara Curtis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum rubellum Mary Stoker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum serotinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysanthemum weyrichtii White Bomb | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysogonum virginianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Chrysoplenium alternifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga acerina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga dahurica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga racemosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga ramosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga ramosa Atropurpurea | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga ramosa Atropurpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga ramosa Brunette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga ramosa Hillside Black Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga ramosa James Compton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga simplex | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cimicifuga simplex White Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cirsium japonicum Red Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cirsium japonicum Rose Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cirsium japonicum White Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cirsium rivulare Atropurpureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Codonopsis clematidea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Colchicum Autumn Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Colchicum autumnale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Colchicum autumnale Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Commelina tuberosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Convallaria majalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Convallaria majalis (Muguet) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Convallaria majalis (Muguet) | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Convallaria majalis Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis American Dream | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis auriculata Elfin Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis auriculata Nana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis auriculata Zamphir | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Christchurch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Early Sunrise | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Early Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Early Sunrise | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Flying Saucers | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Flying Saucers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Sonnenkind | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Sonnenkind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Sunray | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis grandiflora Sunray | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride Autumn Blush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride Cosmic Eye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride Cr?me Brulee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride equila Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride Full Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride Limerock Passion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis hybride Limerock Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis lanceolata Baby Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis lanceolata Goldtaler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis lanceolata Rothkehlchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis lanceolata Sterntaler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis lanceolata Walter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis rosea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis rosea American Dream | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis rosea American Dream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis rosea Heavens Gate | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis rosea Sweet Dreams | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis tripteris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Grandiflora | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Grandiflora | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Limerock Dream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Moonbeam | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Route 66 | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Ruby Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Zagreb | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coreopsis verticillata Zagreb | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coronilla emerus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Coronilla emerus | 25/30 | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coronilla emerus | 30/40 | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Coronilla varia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Correa backhouseana | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Corydalis Blackberry Wine | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Corydalis flexuosa Blue Panda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Corydalis flexuosa P?re David | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Corydalis flexuosa Purple Leaf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Corydalis lutea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Corydalis solida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cosmos atrosanguinea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Cosmos atrosanguinea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cosmos in soort | 25/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Cotula hispida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cotula potentillina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cotula squalida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crambe cordifolia | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Crambe cordifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crambe cordifolia | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Crambe maritima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crinum poweli | – | P5 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Canary Bird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Carmine Briljant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Fire King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Red King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia Geel | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Buttercup | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Emberglow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Emily McKenzie | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Emily McKenzie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Geel | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride George Davidson | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride George Davidson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Lucifer | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Lucifer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Mistral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia hybride Zeal Tan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia masoniorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocosmia Princess | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Crocus Blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocus Geel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Crocus M?lange | Bloembollen | – |
Vaste Planten | Crocus Paars | – | – |
Vaste Planten | Crocus Wit | – | – |
Vaste Planten | Crocus Wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cryptotaenia japonica Atropurpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen cilicium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Cyberia Dark Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Cyberia Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Cyberia Rose Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Cyberia White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Rubrum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen coum Silverleaf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium (neapolitanum) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Amaze Me Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Amaze Me Pink | 10/15 | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Amaze Me White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Amaze Me White | 10/15 | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Mix | 10/15 | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Silver Me Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Silver Me Pink | 10/15 | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Silver Me White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cyclamen hederifolium Silver Me White | 10/15 | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Cymbalaria muralis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cynara cardunculus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Cynoglossum nervosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia David Howard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia David Howard | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia Happy Days mix | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia Moonfire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dahlia Moonfire | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Darmera cardunculus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Darmera peltata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delosperma congestum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delosperma cooperi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delosperma cultorum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium (P) in soort | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Atlantis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Ballkleid | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Bellamosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Capri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Casa Blanca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Cliveden Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna Piccolo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium belladonna West end Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium bellamosum Volkerfrieden | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium cultorum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium grandiflorum Blauer Zwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium grandiflorum Blue Butterfly | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium hybride Finsteraarhorn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium hybride Red Rocket | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium nudicaule | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Astolat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Black Knight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Blue Bird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Blue Dawn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Blue Jay | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Cameliard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Galahad | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Glahad | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Guinevere | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific King Arthur | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Percival | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific Summer Skies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium pacific verschillense soorten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Delphinium ruysii Pink Sensation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianella tasmanica Little Rev | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Dianella tasmanica Tas Red | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus adorables Jade ? | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus allwoodii Alice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus allwoodii Helen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus allwoodii Romeo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus arenarius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus barbatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus carthusianorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus Colores Dulce | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus Colores mix | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus Colores Nieve | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus Colores Sangre | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus delto?des Albiflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus delto?des Brilliant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus delto?des Flashing Light | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus delto?des Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopilitanus Badenia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopilitanus Rotk?ppchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopolitanus (caesius) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopolitanus Badenia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopolitanus Blauigel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopolitanus Bombardier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopolitanus Emmen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus gratianopolitanus Eydangeri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus knappii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Albus Plenus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Annabelle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Anthony | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Charles Edward | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius David | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Devon Cream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Diana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Doris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Haytor White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Heidi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Ine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Maggie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Mrs.Sinkins | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Munot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Pikes Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dianthus plumarius Warden Hybrid | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia anastrepta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia barberae Blackthorn Apricot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia fetcaniensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia hybride Blush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia hybride Ruby Field | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia hybride Rupert Lambert | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Diascia vigilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra Burning Hearts | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra Burning Hearts ? | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra eximea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra eximia Percy Picton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra eximia Stuart Boothman | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra fetcaniensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa Adrian Bloom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa Aurora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa Bacchanal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa Bountiful | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa Langtrees | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra formosa Luxuriant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra hybride King of Hearts | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra hybride Ruby Field | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra spectabilis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra spectabilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra spectabilis Alba | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra spectabilis Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dicentra spectabilis Valentine | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Dictamnus albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dictamnus albus Albiflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dierama pulcherrima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dierama pulcherrimum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dierama pulcherrimum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis ferruginea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis ferruginea Gelber Herold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis ferruginea Gigantea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis grandiflora / ambigua | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis grandiflora / ambigua | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis grandiflora Carillon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis hybride Glory of Roundway | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis hybride Mertonensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis hybride Mertonensis | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis hybride Parviflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis hybride Spice Island | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis lanata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis lutea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis mertonensis Summer King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Alba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Apricot Beauty | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Excelsior Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Gloxiniiflora | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Gloxiniiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Pams Choice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Suttons Apricot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Digitalis purpurea Torpedo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dipsacus fullosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Disporopsis cant. Moonlight | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Disporopsis pernyi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Disporum cant. Moonlight | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Disporum cant. Moonlight | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Dodecatheon maedia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dodecatheon maedia Queen Victoria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum Little Leo | 30/40 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum orientale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum orientale Goldzwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum orientale Little Leo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum orientale Magnificum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum pardalianchus Goldstrauss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Doronicum plantagineum Excelsum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dorycnium hirsutum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Dorycnium hirsutum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Draba aizoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Draba sibirica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dracocephalum ruyschianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dryas drummondii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dryas octopetala | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Dryas suendermanii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Duchesnea indica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea maxima | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea maxima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea Mistral | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea pallida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea paradoxa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea Polar Breeze | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea | 40/50 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Abendstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea After Midnight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Alba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Aloha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Augustk?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Avalanche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Baby Swan Pink | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Catharina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Coupe Soleil | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Cranberry Cupcake | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Crazy Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Crazy White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Daydream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Double-Decker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Eccentric | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Elton King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Fatal Attraction | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Flame Thrower | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Fragrant Angel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Gemini Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Green Envy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Green Jewel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Green Twister | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Greenline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Harvest Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Hot Papaya | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Hot Summer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Indian Summer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Kims Knee High | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Kims Mop Head | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Leuchtstern | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Leuchtstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Little Magnus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Macn Cheese | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Magnus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Magnus | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Magnus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Mama Mia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Maui Sunshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Maya Raya | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Meringue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Mistral | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Mistral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Orange Passion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Passat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Phoenix | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Pica Bella | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Piccolino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Pink Double Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Polar Breeze | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Pow Wow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Pow Wow White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Pow Wow Wild Berry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Powpow White Berry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Powpow Wild Berry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Profusion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Purity | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Razzmatazz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Red Knee High | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Rubinstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Ruby Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Secret Desire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Secret Joy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Secret Lust | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Secret Passion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Secret Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Secret Romance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Solar Flare | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Breeze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Cloud | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Cocktail | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Salsa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Sky | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Summer Sun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Sundown | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Sunset | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea The King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Tiki Torch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Tomato Soup | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Vintage Wine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea Virgin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea White Lustre | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea White Swan | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea White Swan | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea purpurea White Swan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea Sundown | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinacea Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus Albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus Blue Globe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus Star Frost | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus Star Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops bannaticus Taplow Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops ritro | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops ritro | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops ritro Veitchs Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops sphaerocephalus Artic Glow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Echinops sphaerocephalus Artic Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Echium vulgare | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epilobium angustifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epilobium angustifolium Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epilobium angustifolium Stahl Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium alpinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium grandiflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium grandiflorum Lilafee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium grandiflorum Nanum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium grandiflorum Red Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium grandiflorum Rubin Krone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium grandiflorum White Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium hybride Amber Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium hybride Pink Elf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium Niveum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium Orangekonigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium perralchicum Frohnleiten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium pinnatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium pinnatum Black Sea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium pinnatum subsp. colchicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium pubigerum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium pubigerum Orangek?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium rubrum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium Sulphereum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium versicolor Sulphureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium warleyense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium youngianum Niveum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Epimedium youngianum Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eremurus himalaicus | – | P7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Eremurus robustus | – | P7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Eremurus stenophyllus (bungei) | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron glaucus Sea Breeze | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Azure Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Azurfee | – | P5 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Dominator | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Dunkelste Aller | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Foersters Liebling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Four Winds | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Lilofee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Prof Karodi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Quakeress | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Rosa Juwel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Rosa Triumph | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Schwarzes Meer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Seabreeze | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Seabreeze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Sommerneuschnee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride Strahlenmeer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron hybride White Quakeress | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron karvinskianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron karvinskianus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron karvinskianus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron speciosus Grandiflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erigeron speciosus Sch?ne Blaue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erinus alpinus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erinus alpinus Dr.H?hnle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium chrysanthum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium guttatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium manescavii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium manescavii Merstham Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium pelargoniflrum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium reichardii Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium variabile Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium variabile Bishops Form | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erodium variabile Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium agavifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium alpinum Blue Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium bourgatii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium bourgatii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium bourgatii Big Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium bourgatii Big Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium bourgatii Pen Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium giganteum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium hybride Tiny Jackpot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium maritimum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium oliverianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium planum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium planum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium planum Blauer Zwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium planum Blue Hobbit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium planum Jade Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium planum Silverstone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium tripartitum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium variifolium | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Eryngium variifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erysimum hybride Bowles Mauve | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Erysimum hybride Bowles Mauve | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erysimum hybride Constant Cheer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erysimum hybride Harper Crewe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erysimum hybride Jubilee Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erysimum linifolium Variegatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Erythronium Pagode | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eucomis bicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium cannabinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium cannabinum Plenum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium capillifol. Emerald Feather | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium coelestinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium dubuin Baby Joe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium ligustrinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Album | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Atropurpureum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Atropurpureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Atropurpureum | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Gateway | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Glutbal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Glutbal | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Phantom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Purple Bush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Red dwarf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Riesenschirm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium maculatum Riesenschirm | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium perfoliatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium purpureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium rugosum Braunlaub | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium rugosum Chocolat | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium rugosum Chocolat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium rugosum Chocolate | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Eupatorium rugosum Chocolate | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Amygd. Purpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Amygd. Purpurea | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Amygd.Blackbird | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Amygd.Robbiae | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Amygd.Robbiae | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides Kolibri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides Red Wing | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides var.robbiae | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia amygdaloides var.robbiae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Blackbird | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Blackbird Nothowlee | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia char. Silver Swan | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia char.Purple and Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Black Pearl | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Black Pearl | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Black Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Blue Wonder | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Blue Wonder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Burrow Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Colibri | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Emmer Green | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Forescate | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Forescate | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Humpty Dumpty | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Humpty Dumpty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Portugese Velvet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Purple and Gold | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Purple and Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Shorby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Silver Swan | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias ssp.wulfenii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias ssp.wulfenii | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias ssp.wulfenii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Starbright | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Starbright | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Tasmanian Tiger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Velvet Ruby | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Wilcott | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia characias Wulfenii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Charam | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cornigera | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cornigera Goldener Turm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cyparissias | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cyparissias Betten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cyparissias Clarice Howard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cyparissias Fens Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia cyparissias Orange Man | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia dulcis Chameleon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia griffithii Dixter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia griffithii Fireglow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia griffithii Fireglow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Griffithii X Martinii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Griffithii X Martinii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia hybride Ascot Rainbow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia hybride Ascot Rainbow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia hybride Copton Ash | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia lathyris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia martinii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia martinii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia martinii Ascot Rainbow | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia martinii Baby Charm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia mellilera | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia myrsinites | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia palustris Walenburgs Glorie | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia palustris Walenburgs Glorie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia pithyusa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia polychroma | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia polychroma Purpurea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia polychroma Purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia polychroma Senior | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia polychroma senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia polychroma Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Redwing | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Redwing | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia Redwing | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia schillingii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia seguieriana ssp.niciciana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Euphorbia wallichii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fallopia japonica var. Compacta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fascicularia Bicolor | 10/15 | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fascicularia Bicolor | 20/25 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula palmata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula palmata Nana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula purpurea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula purpurea Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula rubra Venusta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria Aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria Variegata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula ulmaria Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula vulgaris (hexapetala) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula vulgaris Kahome | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Filipendula vulgaris Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Foeniculum vulgare Bronze Giant | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Foeniculum vulgare Bronze Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Foeniculum vulgare Purpureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria alpinum Yellow Wonder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Capron | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria chiloensis Chaval | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Frei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria indica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Lipstick | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Pink Marathon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria rubicola Mount Omei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Temptation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Vesca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Vesca Improved R?gen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Vesca Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fragaria Vesca wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Frankenia laevis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fritillaria impetalis Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Annabel | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Charming | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Chillerton Beauty | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Connie | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Constance | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Corallina | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Dollar Princess | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Firecracker | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Frau Alice Hoffmann | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Frau Alice Hoffmann | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Frau Allice Hoffman | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Genii | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride in soorten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Lady Thumb | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Lady Thumb | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Lady Thumb | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Madame Cornelissen | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Madame Cornelissen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Mrs Popple | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Mrs Popple | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Mrs Popple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Mrs Popple | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Mrs Popple | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | 30/35 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | 30/40 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Riccartonii | 40/50 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Tom Thumb | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Tom Thumb | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Tom Thumb | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Tom Thumb | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia hybride Tom West | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Aurea | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Golden Sharpitor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Gracilis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Gracilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Gracilis | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Pumila | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | 20/25 | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | 20/25 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | 30/40 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Riccartonii | 40/50 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Sharpitor | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Tricolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica Tricolorii | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica var.gracilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica var.molinae | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica variegata | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica versicolor | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica versicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia magellanica versicolor | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Margret | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia microphylla David | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia regia var. Regia | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Tom Thumb | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuchsia Whiteknight Pearl | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Fuldaglut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Amber Wheels | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Arizona Sun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Bremen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Burgunder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Fanfare | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Kobold | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Kobold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia hybride Tokayer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaillardia Kobold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Galanthus nivalis | – | – |
Vaste Planten | Galanthus nivalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Galax urceolata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Galega hartlandii Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Galega hartlandii Duchesse of Bedford | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Galega hartlandii Lady Wilson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Galega officinalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gallium odoratum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gallium odoratum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gallium odoratum wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gallium vernum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri African compact | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Cherry Brandy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Corries Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Crimson Butterflies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Elurra | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Elurra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Madonna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Pink Dwarf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Short form | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri siskyou Pink | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri siskyou Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Siskyou Pink ? | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Siskyou Pink ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Snowstorm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Summer Breeze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Sunny Butterflies(R) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri White Dove | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Gaura lindheimeri White Dove | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana acaulis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana asclepiadea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana cruciata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana cruciata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana dahurica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana lutea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana scabra Zuino Rindo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana septemfida var.lagodechiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana sino-ornata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana sino-ornata Alba | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Gentiana verna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Ardwick Cinnamon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Azure Blush | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Azure Blush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Blushing Turtle | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Candy Dancer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cant.Andrew Clarke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Berggarten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo | 15/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge | 15/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Karmina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cantabrigiense Saint Ola | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Chocolate tomentosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinereum Ballerina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinereum Guiseppii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinereum Laurence Flatman | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinereum Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinereum var.subcaulescens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinereum var.subcaulescens | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinerium Ballerina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinerium Carol | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinerium Giuseppii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinerium Jolly Jewel Night | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium cinerium Jolly Jewel Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Citriodorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Citronella | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium clarkei Kashmir Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium clarkei Kashmir Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium clarkei Kashmir Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium clarkei Kashmir White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Concolor Lace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Copthorne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Crispum Minor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Crispum Minor Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Crispum Peach Cream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium dalamticum Bressingham Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium dalmaticum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii Beholders Eye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii Shadow Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii Trevor Bath | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii Wargrave Pink | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium endressii Wargrave Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium frag. Creamy Nutmeg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium gracile | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Graveolens of Hort | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense | 5/7 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense Baby Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense Birch Double | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense Derrick Cook | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense Gravetye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense Irish Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium himalayense Plenum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybr.Chocolate Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Alan Mayes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Ann Folkard | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Ann Folkard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Anne Thomson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Azure Rush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Bertie Crug | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Blue Blood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Blue Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Blue Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Blue Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Bobs Blunder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Brookside | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Brookside | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Chantilly | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Coombland White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Dilys | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Dragon Heart ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Dusky Cr?g | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Eureka Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Fay Anna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Havana Blues ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Johnson Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Johnsons Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Johnsons Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Johnsons Blue | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Johnsons Blue | 20/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Joy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride JS Matu Vu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Kahlua | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Karen Wouters | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Lakwijk Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Lilac Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Lucious Linda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Melinda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Nimbus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Orion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Orkney Cherry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Orkney Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Patricia | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Patricia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Philippe Vapella | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Pink Penny ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Prima Donna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Rozanne | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Rozanne | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Rozanne | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Rozanne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Rozanne ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Salom? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Sandrine ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Sirak | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Spinners | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Starman | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Stephanie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Sue Crug | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Sue Cr?g | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Sweet Heidy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Tanya Rendall | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Terre Franche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium hybride Tiny Monster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium ibericum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium ibericum Vital | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Kolster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Lady Plymouth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Lilac Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Bevans Variety | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Bevans Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Bevans Variety | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum De Bilt | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Olympos | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Velebit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum White-Ness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maccrorhizum Witosha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrh. Ingwersens Variety | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrh. Ingwersens Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrh. Ingwersens Variety | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrhizum Czakor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrhizum Spessart | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrhizum Spessart | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrhizum Spessart | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium macrorrhizum Spessart | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maculatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maculatum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maculatum Chatto | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maculatum Elisabeth Ann ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maculatum Espresso | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium maculatum Rosemoor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium magnificum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium magnificum | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium magnificum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium magnificum Rosemoor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium magnificum Turco | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium monacense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium monacense Anglicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium nodosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium nodosum Darkleaf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium nodosum Silverwood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium nodosum Simon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium nodosum Svelte Lilac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Odoratissimum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Orange Fizz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium ox.Bressingham Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxon.David McClintock | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum A T Johnson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Catharine Deneuve ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Claridge Druce | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Delabroye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Hollywood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Katherine Adele | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Lady Moore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Mc Clintock | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Phoebe Noble | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Rose Clair | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Rosenlicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Sanne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Sherwood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Summer Surprise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Thurstonianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Wageningen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium oxonianum Walters Gift | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium palustre | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium palustre | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium palustre Patricia | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium palustre Patricia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Album | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Angelina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Blauwvoet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Golden Spring | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Joan Baker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Klepper | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Lily Lovell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Margaret Wilson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Mourning Widow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Rose Madder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Samobor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum Saturn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium phaeum var.lividum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Pink Penny | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense albiflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Black Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense f.albiflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Galactic | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Ilja | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Laura | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Midnight Reiter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Mrs Kendall Clark | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Picotee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Plenum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Plenum Violaceum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Silver Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Splish-splash | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pratense Summer Skies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Prince of Orange | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon Bressingham Flair | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon Eva | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon Ivan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon Little David | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon Nicola | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium psilostemon Red Admiral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium punctatum Claudine Dupont | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium pyrenaicum f.albiflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium quercifolium Royal Oak | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium regelii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium renardii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium renardii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium renardii Philippe Vapelle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium renardii Terra Franche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium renardii Tschelda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium renardii Zetterlund | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium riversleaianum Mavis Simpson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium riversleaianum Russell Prichar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Rozanne | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Rozanne | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Rozanne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Album | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Album | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Ankums Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Apfelbl?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Aviemore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Belle of Herterton | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Canon Miles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Cedric Morris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Compactum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Elke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Elsbeth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Glenluce | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Iverness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum John Elsey | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum John Innes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Jubilee Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Kahn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Lloyds form | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Max Frei | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Max Frei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Max Frei | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Nanum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum New Hampshire Purpl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Shepherds Warning | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Shooting Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum striatum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum striatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Tiny Monster | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Tiny Monster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum var.striatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Vision | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Vision Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sanguineum Zartrosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sessiliflorum Porters Pass | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Sweet Heidy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Amy Doncaster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Angulatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Barkers Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Birch Lilac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Bridget Lion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Ice Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Mayflower | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium sylvaticum var.wanneri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium Tiny Monster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium transbaicalicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium versicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium versicolor Snow White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium wallichianum Buxtons Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium wallichianum Lilac Ice ? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium wallichianum Silvias Surprise | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium wallichianum Silvias Surprise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium White Ness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium wlassovianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geranium wlassovianum Cr?g Farm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum chiloense Dolly North | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum chiloense Lady Stratheden | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geum chiloense Lady Stratheden | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum chiloense Mrs.Bradshaw | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geum chiloense Mrs.Bradshaw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum chiloense Sigiswang | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum coccineum Borisii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geum coccineum Borisii | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Geum coccineum Borisii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum coccineum Feuermeer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum coccineum Werner Arends | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Bell Bank | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Carlskier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Eos | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Fire Storm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Lemon Drops | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Marmelade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Mia Tai | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum hybride Prinses Juliana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum reptans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum rivale | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Geum rivale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum rivale Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum rivale Flames of Passion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum rivale Leonards Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum rivale Lionel Cox | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum triflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Geum urbanum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gillenia stiputata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gillenia trifoliata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Gillenia trifoliata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Glaucium flavum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Glechoma hederacea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Glechoma hederacea Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Globularia cordifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Globularia punctata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Goniolimon tataricum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 1 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata | – | 18 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata (brasiliensis) | – | 1 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata (brasiliensis) | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata (brasiliensis) | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata (brasiliensis) | – | 15 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata (brasiliensis) | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Gunnera manicata (brasiliensis) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila cerastoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila hybride Rosenschleier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila hybride White Festival | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila paniculata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila paniculata Bristol Fairy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila paniculata Bristol FairySte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila paniculata Flamingo STEK | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila paniculata Pink Festival | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila paniculata Schneeflocke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila repens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila repens Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila repens Rosa Sch?nheit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila repens Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophila repens Rosea | 20/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophilla hybride Rosenschleier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophilla repens Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Gypsophilla repens Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Halimiocistus sahucii | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Halimiocistus sahucii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Haplopappus glutinosus (coronopifolius) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hedera helix | 2 tak | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hedera helix Hibernica | 150 cm gestokt 3 tak | C3 |
Vaste Planten | Hedera helix Prof. Friedrich Tobler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium autumnale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium autumnale Pumilum Magnificum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium bigelovii The Bishop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hoopesii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hoopesii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Baudirektor Linne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Coppelia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Crimson Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Double Trouble | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Dunkle Pracht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Feuersiegel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Flammenspiel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Goldrausch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Helena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Julisonne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Kanaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride K?nigstiger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Kugelsonne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Kupfersprudel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Kupferzwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Mardi Gras (Helbro) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Moerheim Beauty | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Moerheim Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Red Jewel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Rubinzwer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Ruby Tuesday | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Sahin s Early Flowerer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Sonnenwunder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Waltraut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Wonadonga | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Wyndley | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helenium hybride Zimbelstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Amabile Plenum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Annabel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Ben Fhada | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Ben Hope | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Bronzeteppich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Cerise Queen | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Cerise Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Elfenbeinglanz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Golden Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Henfield Brilliant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Lawrensons Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Orange Double | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Pink Double | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Prima Donna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Raspberry Ripple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Rhodanthe Carneum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Sissinghurst White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Sulphureum Plenum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum The Bride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum The Bride (Snow Queen) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Wisley Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthemum Wisley Primrose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus atrorubens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus atrorubens Giganteus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus Capenock Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus decapetalus Plenus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus hybride Lemon Queen | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus hybride Lemon Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus hybride Low Down | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus hybride Table Mountain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus hybride Triomphe de Gand | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus laetiflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus microcephalus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus mollis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus salicifolius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus Soleil dOr | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helianthus tuberosus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum italicum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum italicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum italicum Darlington | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum italicum microphyllum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum Schwefellicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum Splendidum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helichrysum Splendidum | 30/+ | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Helictotrichon Sempervirens | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helictotrichon Sempervirens Pendula | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Asahi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Goldgefieder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Goldranunkel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Hohlspiegel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Karat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Loraine Sunshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Mars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Patula | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Sonnenschild | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Spitzent?nzerin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Summer Green | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Summer Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heliopsis helianthoides Summer Sun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus abchasicus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | – | Terracotta p19 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius (corsicus) | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus argutifolius (corsicus) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus atrorubens | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Candy Love | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus caucasicus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus cyclophyllus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus dumetorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus Sopron | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus Wester Flisk | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus Wester Flisk | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus Wester Flisk | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus foetidus Wester Flisk | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus lividus | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus multifidus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | P14 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger | Gemengde kleuren | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Candy Love | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Candy Love | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Candy Love | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Candy Love | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Candy Love | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Christmas Carol | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Christmas Carol | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Christmas Carol | 20/25 | Deco 17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Christmas Carol | 25/30 | Deco 23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Christmas Carol | 30/40 | 10 potgedrukt |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Jacob Royal | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Praecox | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Praecox | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Snow Love | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Snow Love | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus niger Snow Love | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus nigercors | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus odorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | 30/40 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis | Gemengde kleuren | 1,7 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Ballard Hybrids | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Blue Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Crown dark purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Joy Hybrids | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis New Hybrids | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Pink Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Red Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Red Hybrids | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Red Hybrids | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Red Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Red Spooted Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Red Spotted Hybrids | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Spotted Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Spotted Hybrids | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Tutu | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis White Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Winter Moonbeam | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus orientalis Winter Sunshine | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Penny s Pink | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Pink Beauty | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Pink Beauty | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Pirouette | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Pirouette | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus purpurascens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Snow Love | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus sternifolia | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus sternii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus sternii | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus sternii | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus sternii | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus sternii Blackthorn Strain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus torquatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus tutu | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus White Beauty | – | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus White Beauty | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Helleborus Wilgenbroek | 20/25 | 2 deco |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocalis Double River Why | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Aten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Atlas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Autumn Red | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Autumn Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Blue Eyes | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Bonanza | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Buttercup Parade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Canadian Border Patrol | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Cartwheels | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Catherine Woodbury | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Cee Tee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Citrina | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis citrina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Corky | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Cream Drop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Crimson Pirate | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Crimson Pirate | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Destined to See | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis dumortieri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Eenie Weenie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Fairy Tale Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Flaming Sword | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Frans Hals | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Frans Hals | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis fulva | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Gentle Shepherd | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Gentle Shepherd | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Golden Chimes | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Golden Scepter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Green Flutter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hyb.Bela Lugosi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Alaqua | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Alaqua | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Always Afternoon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Arctic Snow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Baby Betsy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Baby Betsy | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Baley Hay | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Bela Lugosi | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Big Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Black Emanuelle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Black Eyes Susan | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Blackberry Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Burning Daylight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Charles Johnston | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Chewonki | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Chewonki | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Chicago Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Chocolat Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Cosmopolitan | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Cosmopolitan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Curls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Curls | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Custard Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Custard Candy | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Daring Deception | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Daring Dilemma | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride David Kirchhof | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Double River Wye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Dream Legacy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Edge Ahead | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Edge of Ddarkness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride El Desperado | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Final Touch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Forty Second Street | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride French Porcelain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride George Cunningham | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride George Cunningham | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Golden Nugget | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Golden Scepter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Grape Velvet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Green Flutter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Happy Returns | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Happy Returns | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Hazel Monette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Helle Berlinerin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Hyperion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Ice Carnival | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Janice Brown | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Janice Brown | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Janice Brown | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Jason Salter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Joan Senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Lavender Deal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Lavender Deal | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Little Girl | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Little Grapette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Longfields Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Lullaby Baby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Lullaby Baby | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Lynn Hall | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Mauna Loa | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Mauna Loa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Mildred Mitchell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Mini Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Mini Pearl | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Moonlit Masquerade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Night Beacon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Olive Baily Langdon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Oranje-rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Pandoras Box | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Pardon Me | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Piano Man | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Precious d’ Oro | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Rain Song | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Rave On | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Red Rum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Red Rum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Sabine Bauer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Sammy Russell | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Sammy Russell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Seminole Wind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Serena Madonna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Serena Sunburst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Siloam Paul Watts | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Siloam Ribbon Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Siloam Ribbon Candy | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Snowy Eyes | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride South Seas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride South Seas | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Startle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Stella de Ore | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Stella de Ore | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Stella de Ore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Strawberry Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Strawberry Swirl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Tang | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Tigger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Tor Point | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Wisest of Wizards | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis hybride Wynn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Hyperion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis James March | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Janice Brown | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Joan Senior | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Joan Senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Joan Senior | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Lemon Bells | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Lemon Bells | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Luxury Lace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Magnificent Rrainbow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Margaret Perry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Mary Todd | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Matador | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis middendorffii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis middendorffii | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Mikado | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Mini Stella | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Molokai | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Moments of Truth | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Pardon Me | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Pink Charm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Pink Damask | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Prairie Blue Eyes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Rajah | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Red Rum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Red Rum | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Ruffled Apricot | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Sammy Russell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Silver King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Snowy Apparation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Snowy Apparation | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Stella de Oro | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Summer Wine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Summer Wine | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis Super Stella | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis thunbergii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis White Temptation | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hemerocallis White Temptation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hepatica americana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hepatica hybride Pink Forest | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hepatica hybride Purple Forest | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hepatica hybride Red Forest | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hepatica hyrbride White Forest | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hepatica nobilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heracleum mantegazzianum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Herniaria glabra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hesperis matronalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hesperis matronalis Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hesperis matronalis Flore Pleno | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera americana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera americana Dale | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera americana Dale (Dale Strain) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera americana Marvelous Marble | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera americana Palace Purple | 40/60 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera brizoides Green Ivory | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera brizoides Jubilee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera brizoides Pluie de Feu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera brizoides Red Spangles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera brizoides Schneewittchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera cylindrica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera cylindrica Greenfinch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Amber Waves | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Amethyst Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Autumn Leaves | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Bardot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Beaujolais | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Beauty Color | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Berry Marmelade | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Berry Marmelade | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Berry Marmelade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Berry Smoothie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Binoche | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Binoche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Black Sea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Blackbird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Blackout | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Bronze Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Brownies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Can Can | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Cappucino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Caramel | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Caramel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Cascade Down | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Cassis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Cherry Cola | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Chocolate Ruffles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Christa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Cinnabar Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Circus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Citronelle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Coral Berry | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Crimson Curls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Delta Dawn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Ebony and Ivory | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Electra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Electric Lime | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Emerald Veil | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Encore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Fire Chief | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Frosty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Geisha s Fan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Georgia Peach | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Ginger Ale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Ginger Peach | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Guardian Angel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Helen Dillon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Kassandra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Lime Marmelade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Lime Rickey | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Marmelade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Midnight Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Mint Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Mint Julep | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Miracle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Mocha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Mystic Angel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Oakington Jewel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Obsidian | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Peach Crisp | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Peach Flambe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Peach Flamb? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Peneloppe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Persian Carpet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Petite Pearl Fairy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pewter Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pewter Veil | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pink Ruffles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pinot Gris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pinot Noir | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pistache | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Pluie de Feu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Plum Pudding | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Plum Pudding | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Plum Royale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Prince of Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Rachel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Regina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Ring of Fire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Root Beer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Ruby Veil | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Schneewittchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Shangai | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Silver Indiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Silver Scrolls | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Silver Scrolls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Silver Shadows | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Southern Comfort | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Stormy Seas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Strawberry Swirl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Sugar Plum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Tara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Tiramisu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Velvet Night | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Venus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride Vienna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera hybride White Marble | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera micr. Melting Fire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera micr. Palace Purple | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera micr. Palace Purple | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera micr. Palace Purple | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera micr. Palace Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera micrantha Palace Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Bressingham Hybrids | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Bressingham Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Leuchtk?fer | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Leuchtk?fer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Ruby Bells | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Ruby Bells | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Sioux Falls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Snow Storm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera sanguinea Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera villosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heuchera villosa macrorrhiza | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella Alba Bridget Bloom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella Alba Rosalie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Alabama Sunrise | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Alabama Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Berry Fizz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Brass Lantern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Golden Zebra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Kimono | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Quicksilver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Redstone Falls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Silver Streak | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Solar Eclips | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Solar Power | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Solar Power | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Stoplight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Sweet Tea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Viking ship | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella hybride Yellowstone Falls | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Heucherella Kimono | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hieracium aurantiacum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hieracium villosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Horminum pyrenaicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta abiqua Abbe Dabbe Do | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta abiqua Ariel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta abiqua Blue Crinckles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta abiqua Drinking Gourd | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Aureovariegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta cathayana Chinese Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta clausa var.normalis / Violet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta crispula / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta decorata f.decorata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta elata / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fluctuans Variegated | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fluctuans Variegated/Licht lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Albomarginata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Albopicta | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Albopicta | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Albopicta | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Albopicta | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Albopicta/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Antioch | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Antioch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aoki/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aurea/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureomarginata/ Lila | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Aureovariegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Carol | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Carol | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Fisher Cream Edge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Francee | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Francee | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Francee | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Francee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Francee | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Francee / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Gold standard | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Gold Standard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Gold standard | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Hadspen White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Hyacinthina | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Hyacinthina/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Janet | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Janet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Joker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Moerheim | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Moerheim / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei North Hills | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Obscura / Paars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Patriot | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Patriot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Patriot | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Patriot | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Royal Standard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Royal Standard | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Sharmon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Sieb. Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Sieb. Francess Williams | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Silver Crown | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Sultane | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta fortunei Wide Brim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta gemengde soorten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Gold Standard | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Gold Standard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta h. Birchwood Parkys Gold | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta h.Zager White Edge | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Halcyon | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Halcyon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Halicon | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Abba Dabba Do | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Abiqua Ariel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Abiqua Drinking Gourd | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Alex Summers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride American Halo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Aristocrat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Atlantis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride August Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride August Moon | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride August Moon | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride August Moon | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride August Moon/ Licht lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Austin Dickinson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Baby Bunting | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Betsy King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Big Chance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Big Daddy | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Big Daddy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Big Mama | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Bill Brinka | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Birchwood Parkys Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Black Hills | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Angel | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Angel/ Licht lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Boy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Cadet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Mammoth | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Mammoth | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Mammoth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Mountains | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Mouse Ears | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Seer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Shadows | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Umbrellas | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Blue Umbrellas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Bressingham Blue | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Bressingham Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Bright Lights | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Bright Lights | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Bright Lights | – | P19 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Brim Cup | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Brim Cup | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Brother Ronald | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Cadillac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Canada Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Captain Kirk | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Carnival | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Cascades | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Celebration | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Center of Attention | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Chantilly Lace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Cherry Berry | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Cherry Berry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Christmas Candy | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Christmas Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Christmas Tree | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride City Lights | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Clifford s Forest Fire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Coquette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Crown Prince | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Crusader | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Dancing in the Rain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Daybreak | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Delta Dawn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Devon Green | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Dew Drop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Diamond Tiara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Diana Remembered | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Dick Ward | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Domaine de Courson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Dream Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Dream Weaver | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Dream Weaver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Earth Angel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride El Nino | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride El Nino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Electrum Stater | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Elisabeth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Emerald Tiara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Emily Dickinson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Empress Wu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Eskimo Pie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Fire and Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Fire Island | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Fireworks | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride First Frost | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride First Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Flemisch Sky | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Formal Attire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Fragrant Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Fragrant Bouquet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Fragrant Dream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Frosted Dimples | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Frosted Dimples | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Frosted Jade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Frosted Jade | – | P19 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Geelbont | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Ghostmaster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Gold Edger | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Gold Edger/ Lila – wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Gold Regal | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Gold Regal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Hornet | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Sunburst | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Sunburst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Tiara | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Tiara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Tiara | – | P19 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Tiara | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Tiara/ Paars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Golden Waffles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Grand Marquee | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Grand Marquee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Grand Tiara | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Grand Tiara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Great Escape | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Green Acres | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Green Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Green Stripper | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Grey Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Ground Master | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Ground Master/ Violet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Guacamole | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Hadspen | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Hadspen Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Halcyon | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Halcyon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Harry van Trier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Herifu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride High Society | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Hirao Tetra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Honeybells | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Honeybells | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Honeybells | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Honeybells | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Honeysong | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Hydon Sunset | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Independence | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Invincible | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Island Charm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Jade Cascade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Jimmy Crack Corn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Joyce Trott | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Julia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Just so | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Kifukurin Ko Mame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Knockout | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Koriyama | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Lady Guinevere | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Lakeside April Snow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Lakeside Black Satin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Lakeside Cha Cha | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Lakeside Cha Cha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Leola Fraim | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Leola Fraim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Liberty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Little Black Scape | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Little Red Rooster | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Little Sunspot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Loyalist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Mack Wood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Mama Mia | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Mama Mia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Midas Touch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Middle Ridge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Mildred Seaver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Minnie Klopping | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Minute Man | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Minute Man | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Moonlight | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Moonlight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Morning Light | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Morning Light | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Mr Big | – | P7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Mr.Big | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Neptune | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Night Before Christmas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Northern Exposure | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Olive Bailey Langdon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride On Stage | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride On Stage | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Out House Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pacific Blue Edger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pandoras Box | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Paradigm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Paradise Island | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Paradise Joyce | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pauls Glory | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pauls Glory | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pearl Lake | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pilgrim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Pizzazz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Prairie Sky | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Praying Hands | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Purple Dwarf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Purple Heart | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Queen Josephine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Radiant Edger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Rainforest Sunrise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Raspberry Sundae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Red October | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Regal Splendor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Remember Me | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Reversed | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Reversed Patriot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Revolution | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Revolution | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Robert Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Royal Standard | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Royal Standard | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Royal Standard/ Wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Ryans Big One | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sagae | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sagae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Saint Elmo s Fire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Scooter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sea Dream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sea Thunder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Shade Fanfare | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Shade Fanfare | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Shade Fanfare / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Show Boat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Snow Cap | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Snowden | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride So Sweet | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride So Sweet / Wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Special Gift | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Splitt Milk | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Spring Fling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride St.Elmos Fire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Stiletto | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Stiletto | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Striptease | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Striptease | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sugar and Cream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sultana | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sultana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sum and Substance | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sum and Substance | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sum and Substance/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sum of All | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Summer Breeze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Summer Fragrance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Summer Music | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sun Power | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sun Power | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Super Nova | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Sweet Susan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Tall Boy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Tattoo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Thunderbolt | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Thunderbolt | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Touch of Class (June Wide Margin) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Toy Soldier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride True Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride True Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Twilight | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Twilight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Unforgettable | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Valentine Lace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Vera Verde | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Warwick Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Warwick Edge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Wheaton Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Whirlwind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride White Christmas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride White On | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride White Trumpets | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Wide Brim | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Hybride Wide Brim | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Wide Brim / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Winfield Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Wolverine | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Wolverine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Yellow River | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Yellow River | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Yellow Splash Rim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Zager White Edge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Zodiac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Zounds | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybride Zounds | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta hybrOlive Bailey Langdon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Krossa Regal | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Krossa Regal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta lancifolia / Paars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Minuteman | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta montana Aureomarginata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta nakaiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta nigrescens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta nigrescens Krossa Cream Edge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta nigrescens Krossa Regal | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta nigrescens Krossa Regal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta plantaginea Aphrodite | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta plantaginea var.grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieb. Frances Williams | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta siebold Great Expectations | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta siebold. Frances Williams | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta siebold. Frances Williams | – | 7,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana / glauca / | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans | – | P10 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans / Wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans / Wit | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Elegans Terracotta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances Williams | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Frances WilliamsLila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Great Expectations | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Great Expectations | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Grey Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Lilac Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Mira | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Northern Halo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldiana Wide Brim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldii Ginko Craig | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldii Ginko Craig/Violet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldii Kabitan | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldii Kabitan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldii Silver Kabitan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta sieboldii Snowflakes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Sum and Substance | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Sum and Substance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Sum and Substance | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Blue Moon | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Blue Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Blue Wedgewood | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Blue Wedgewood / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Devon Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Halcyon | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Halcyon | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Halcyon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Halcyon | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana Halcyon / Licht lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana June | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana June | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tardiana June Fever | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tok.Flavocircinalis | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama (siebold.var.fortunei) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Aureonebulosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Flavocircinalis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Flavocircinalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Golden Medallion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Love Pat | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Love Pat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta tokudama Love Pat | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata / Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Albomarginata / Lila | – | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Aureomarginata | 30/40 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Erromena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Mediovariegata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Mediovariegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Mediovariegata | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Mediovariegata | 20/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Mediovariegata | 30/40 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Mediovariegata/ Lila | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Middle Ridge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta undulata Univittata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta ventricosa | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta ventricosa / Paars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta ventricosa Aureomarginata/ Paars | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta ventricosa Little Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Wide Brim | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Hosta Wide Brim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hoste hybride Captain Kirk | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Houstonia caerulea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Houstonia caerulea Miljard s Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Houstonia caerulea Miljards Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Houstonia caerulea Millard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Houttuynia cordata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Houttuynia cordata Chameleon | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Houttuynia cordata Fantasy | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Houttuynia cordata Fantasy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Houttuynia Cordata Flame | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Humulus lupulus Target | – | Co |
Vaste Planten | Hutchinsia alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hyacinten Wild – Jacinthes sauvages | Bloembollen | – |
Vaste Planten | Hyacinthoides non-scripta | 6/+ | – |
Vaste Planten | Hylomecon japonica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Hyssopus officinalis subsp. Aristatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Appen-Etz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Eppen-Etz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Findel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Fischbeck | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Masterpiece | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Snowflake | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Snowflake | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iberis Sempervirens Weisser zwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Incarvillea delavayi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Incarvillea delavayi Snowtop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Inula ensifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Inula ensifolia (Compacta) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Inula hookeri Mude | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Inula magnifica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Inula orientalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Inula racemosa Sonnenspeer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris chrysographes Black Knight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris danfordiae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris ensata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iris ensata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris ensata White shades | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris foetidissima | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iris foetidissima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Alcazar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Amethyst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Babbeling Brook | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Black Knight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Blue Rythm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Caliente | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Edward of Windsor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Elizabeth of England | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica English Cottage | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica geel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Golden Surprise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Harvest of Memories | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Immortality | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Imperator | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Indian Chief | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Jesses Song | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Joanna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Loop de Loop | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Nibelungen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Oktober Sun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Ola Kala | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Pink Horizon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Pinnacle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Royal Touch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Stepping Out | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica Tuxedo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica White Knight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris germanica wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Activity | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Blue Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Cry of Rejoice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Fortune | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Royal Banner | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Sakuragai | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Sensation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Velvety Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi White Ladies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris kaempferi Yezo Nishiki | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris laevigata Rose Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pallida Albovariegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pallida Aureovariagata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pallida Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pseudacorus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pseudacorus | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pseudacorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pseudacorus Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pseudocorus Berlin Tiger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pseudocorus Cr?me de la Cr?me | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila Blue Denim | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila Brassie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila Delicatissima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila Little Sapphire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila Syra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila Velvet Carpet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris pumila White Surprise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris reticulata Harmony | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sensata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris setosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Blaue Wiessenmotte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Blue Butterfly | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Blue King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Blue Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Butter and Sugar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Caesars Brother | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Chartreuse Bounty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Dear Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Ego | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Elfe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Ewen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Helen Astor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Lady of Quality | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Lavender Bounty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Mrs Rowe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Ottawa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Perrys Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Persemon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Persimmon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Rikugi Sakura | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Robin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Ruffled Velvet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Shirley Pope | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Silver Edge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Snow Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Sparkling Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Tamberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica Taubenblau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris sibirica White Swirl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris versicolor | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Iris versicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Iris versicolor Kermesina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Isotoma fluviatilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Jasione laevis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Jasione laevis Blaulicht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Jeffersonia diphylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Jovibarba sobolifera Green Globe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris incisa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris Incisa Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris incisa Blue Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris incisa Charlotte | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris incisa Madiva | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris Incisa Nana Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris pinnatifida var. Hortensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kalimeris yomena Shogun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kirengeshoma koreana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kirengeshoma palmata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kitaibelia vitifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia arvensis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia arvensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica Mars Midget | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica Melton Pastels | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica Melton Pastels | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica Red Knights | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Knautia macedonica Thunder and Lightning | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Alcazar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Bees Lemon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Corallina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Creamsicle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Dorset Sentry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Elvira | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Green Jade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Ice Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Little Maid | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Mango Popsicle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Minister Verschuur | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Moonstone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Nancy s Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Papaya Popsicle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Percys Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Pineapple Popsicle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Red Rocket | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Rich Echoes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Royal Castle | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Royal Castle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Royal Standard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Vanilla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia hybride Vincent Lepage | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | kniphofia hybride Wrexham Buttercup | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia Royal Castle | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia uvaria | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia uvaria Grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia uvaria Royal Castle | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Kniphofia uvaria Royal Castle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamiastrum galeobdolon Florentinum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lamiastrum galeobdolon Florentinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamiastrum galeobdolon Hermans Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamiastrum galeobdolon Kirkudbright Dwarf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium garganicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Anne Greenaway | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Aureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Beacon Silver | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Beacon Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Cannons Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Chequers | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Chequers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Elisabeth de Haas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Ghost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Golden Nuggets | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Hermans Bride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Hermans Pride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum James Boyd Parselle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Orchid Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Pink Pewter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Purple Dragon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Red Nancy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Shell Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum Sterling Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum White Nancy | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium maculatum White Nancy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium orvala | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lamium orvala Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lathyrus latifolius Pink Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lathyrus latifolius Red Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lathyrus latifolius White Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lathyrus vernus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula angustifolia Alba | 15/+ | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula angustifolia Coconut Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula angustifolia Royal Crown | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula angustifolia Siesta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula angustifolia Twickle Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula intermedia Grappenhal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavandula stoechas subsp. Pedunculata (Papillion) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera Barnaley | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera Barnaley | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera Blushing Bride | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera Bredon Springs | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera Burgundy Wine | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera cacheminiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley Baby | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Barnsley Baby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Blushing Bride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Blushing Bride | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Bredon Springs | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Bredon Springs | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Burgundy Red | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Burgundy Wine | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Burgundy Wine | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Burgundy Wine | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Burgundy Wine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Burgundy Wine | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Candy Floss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Candy Floss | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Eyecatcher | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Frederique | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Frederique | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Ice Cool | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Ice Cool | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Kew Rose | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Lilac Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Lilac Lady | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Olbia Rosea | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Olbia Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Summer Kisses | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Sweet Dreams | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Tor Point | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride White Angel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera hybride White Satin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera maritima | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera maritima Bicolor | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera maritima Bicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | 40/50 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera olbia Rosea | 60/+ 4 tak/+ | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thun. Bredon spring | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thuringiaca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thuringiaca Barnsley | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thuringiaca Barnsley | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thuringiaca Barnsley | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thuringiaca Barnsley | 60/+ 4 tak/+ | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Lavatera thuringiaca Lilac Lady | 30/40 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum Blossom of Snow | 25/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum Edelweis | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum Matterhorn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum Mignon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum Mont Blanc | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leontopodium alpinum Zugspitze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptinella dioica Minima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptinella hispida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptinella potentillina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptinella squalida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptinella squalida Platt s Back | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptospermum humifusum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leptospermum scop. Winter Cheer | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemella serotina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Alaska | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Maximum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Maximum Snow Lady | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Maximum Snow Lady | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Paladin | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Silberprinzessche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Sonnenschein | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Sunshine Peach | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Alaska | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Becky | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Christine Hagemann | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Engelina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Esther Read | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Fiona Coghill | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Gruppenstolz | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Old Court | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Polaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Silberprinzeschen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Snowcap | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Stina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Victorian Secret | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum superbum Wirral Supreme | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum vulgare | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum vulgare Maik?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum vulgare Maik?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Leucanthemum Wirral Supreme | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lewisia cotyledon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lewisia cotyledon | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lewisia hybride Sunset Hybrids | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata Floristan Violet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata Floristan Weiss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata Kobold | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liatris spicata Kobold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Libertia grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Libertia peregrinans Gold Leaf | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia d.Marie Britt Crawford | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dent.Desdemona | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata Britt-Marie Crawford | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata Dark Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata Desdemona | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata Othello | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata Othello | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia dentata Othello | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hessei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hessei | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hessei Lanternchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hodgsonii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hodgsonii | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Gregynog Gold | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Last Dance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Little Rocket | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Osiris Cafe Noir | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Osiris Fantaisie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Zepter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia hybride Zepter | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia przewalskii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia sten.The Rocket | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia sten.The Rocket | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia tangutica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia wilsoniana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ligularia wilsoniana | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Ligustrum ionandrum | – | 30 |
Vaste Planten | Limonium latifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linaria hybride Antique Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linaria purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linaria purpurea Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linaria purpurea Canon J.Went | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linaria vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linum flavum Compactum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linum perenne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linum perenne Diamant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linum perenne Nanum Saphir | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Linum perenne Saphir | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari | 20/30 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Aztecc Grass | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | 20/25 | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | 20/25 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | 20/25 | P15 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Big Blue | 25/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Emerald Cascade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Evergreen Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Gold Banded | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Gold Banded | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Ingwersen | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Ingwersen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Ingwersen | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Money Maker | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Moneymaker | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Moneymaker | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Moneymaker | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Moneymaker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Moneymaker | 20/25 | P15 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Monroe White | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Monroe White | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Monroe White | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Monroe White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Monroe White | 20/25 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Peedee Ingot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Purple Passion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Royal Purple | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Royal Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Silver Dragon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Silvery Dragon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Silvery Sunproof | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Variegata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope muscari Wildform | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope spicata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope spicata | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Liriope spicata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Cambridge Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Petes Favorit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Star | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lithodora diffusa Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia fulgens Queen Victoria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia gerardii Rosenkavalier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia gerardii Vedrariensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia hybride Monet Moment | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia hybride Ruby Slippers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia siphilitica Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia siphilitica Blaue Auslese | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia speciosa Dark Crusader | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia speciosa Hadspen Purple | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Lobelia speciosa Russian Princess | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lotus corniculatus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lotus corniculatus Pleniflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lunaria annua | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lunaria annua Albiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lunaria annua Sissinghurst White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lunaria rediviva | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus arboreus blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus arboreus lichtgeel/jaune p?le | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Chandelier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Edelknabe -ROOD | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Fraulein – WIT | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Gallery Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Gallery Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Gallery Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Gallery White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Gallery Yellow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Kastellan -BLAUW | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Kronleuchter – GEEL | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Minarette | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus My Castle – ROOD | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Noble Maiden | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus Schlossfrau – ROSE | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus The Chatelaine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lupinus The Governor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis alpina Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis arkwrightii Scarlet O Hara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis arkwrightii Vesuvius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis chalcedonica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis chalcedonica Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis chalcedonica Carnea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis chalcedonica Morgenrot | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis chalcedonica Salmonea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis coronaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis coronaria Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis coronaria Atrosanguinea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis coronaria Gardeners World | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis flos-cuculi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis hybride Molten Lava | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis viscaria Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis viscaria Alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis viscaria Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lychnis viscaria Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia Aurea Goldilocks | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia ciliata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia ciliata Firecracker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia Clethroides | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia clethroides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia ephemerum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia fortunei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia nummularia | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia nummularia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia nummularia Aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia punctata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia punctata Alexanders | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia punctata Ivy Maclean | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia punctata Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia punctata Variegate | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lysimachia vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum hybride Swirl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Blush | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Blush | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Dropmore Purple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Lady Sackville | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Morden Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Robert | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Rosy gem | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum salicaria Zigeunerblut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Lythrum virgatum Rose Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Macleaya cordata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Macleaya cordata Flamingo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Macleaya microcarpa Kelways Coral Plume | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Macleaya microcarpa Spetchley Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva alcea Fastigiata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva moschata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Malva moschata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva moschata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva moschata Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva sylvestris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva sylvestris Marina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malva sylvestris Primley Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Malvastrum lateritium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Family Black | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Forest Green | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Forest Green | 20/25 | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Mentol | 20/25 | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Pine Green | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Pine Green | 20/25 | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Thymus | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Match & Moss Thymus | 20/25 | P23 |
Vaste Planten | Matricaria recutita | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mazus miquelii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mazus reptans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mazus reptans Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mazus reptans blauw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Meconopsis betonicifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Meconopsis cambrica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Melianthus major | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Melittis melissophyllum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Melittis melissophyllum Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Melittis melissophyllum Royal Velvet Distinctio | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mentha piperita Citrata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mentha rotundifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mertensia sibirica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mertensia virginica | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Meuhlenbeckia axillaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus bartonianus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus BeesMajor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus cupreus Burnetii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus cupreus Roter Kaiser | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus Highlands Hybrids Geel/jaune | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus Highlands Hybrids Rood/rouge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus Highlands Hybrids Rose/rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus Highlands HybridsOranje/orange | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus hybride Orange Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus luteus Tigrinus Grandiflorus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mimulus rigens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mitchella repens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda citriodora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda didyma | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda fistul.subsp.menthifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda fistulosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Aquarius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Balance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Beauty of Cobham | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Blaustrumpf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Cambridge Scarlet | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Cambridge Scarlet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Commanche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Cranberry Lace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Croftway Pink | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Croftway Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Earl Grey | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Elsies Lavender | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Feuerschopf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Fireball | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Fishes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Gardenview Scarlet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Gewitterwolke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Heidelerche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Jacob Cline | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Jacob Cline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Kardinal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Lederstrumpf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Loddon Crown | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Mahogany | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Marshalls Delight | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Marshalls Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Melissa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Mohawk | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Ou Charm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Petite Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Pr?rienacht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Purple Ann | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Schneem?dchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Schneewittchen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Scorpion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Sioux | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Squaw | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Talud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Twins | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Monarda hybride Violet Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Montbretia crocosmia rood | Bloembolletjes per 10 stuks | – |
Vaste Planten | Montia sibirica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Muehlenbeckia axillaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mukdenia Karasuba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mukdenia karasuba karasuba (rossii Crimson Fans) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Mukdenia rossii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Muscari armeniacum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Myosotis palustris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Myosotis palustris Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Myosotis palustris Ice Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Myosotis palustris Perle von Ronnenberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus | – | – |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus geel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybr.Mount Hood | – | – |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Februari Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Hawera | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Minnow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Mount Hood | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride T?te-?-T?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Thalia | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Thalia | 12/+ | – |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus hybride Topolino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus poeticus var.recurvus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus rood$ | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Narcissus wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nautia Aversis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nautia Macedonia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta cataria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta cataria Citriodora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta clarkei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta Dropmore | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta Dropmore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Blue Wonder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Dropmore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Gletschereis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Grol | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Grol | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Kit Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Six Hills Giant | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Six Hills Giant | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Six Hills Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Snowflake | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Snowwhite | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Walkers Low | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta faassenii Walkers Low | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta govaniana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta grandiflora Blue Danube | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta grandiflora Bramdean | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta grandiflora Dawn to Dusk | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta grandiflora Summer Magic | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta grandiflora Wild Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta grandiflora Zinser s Giant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta hybride Blue Dragon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta hybride Dawn to Dusk | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta hybride Pool Bank | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta hybride Veluws Blauwtje | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta latifolia Super Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta longipes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta manchuriensis Manchu Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta mussinii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nervosa | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nervosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nervosa Blue Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nuda Accent | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nuda Annes Choice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nuda Isis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nuda Purple Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta nuda Snow Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta racemosa Grog | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta racemosa Little Tich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta racemosa Snowflake | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta racemosa Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta Senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta sibirica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta sibirica Souvenir dAndr? Chaudr | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta subsessilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta subsessilis Cool Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta subsessilis Laufen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta subsessilis Sweet Dreams | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nepeta subsessilis Washfield | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Nierembergia repens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera biennis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera friuticosa Fyrverkeri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera friuticosa Hohes Licht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera fruticosa Camel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera fruticosa Erica Robin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera fruticosa Silberblatt | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera fruticosa Sonnenwende | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera fruticosa subsp.glauca (tetragona) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera hybride African Sun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera hybride Cold Crick | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera macrocarpa | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera macrocarpa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera missouriensis (macrocarpa) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera speciosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera speciosa Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera speciosa rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera speciosa Siskiyou | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera speciosa Twilight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera tetragona (fruticosa) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Oenothera tetragona Hohes Licht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Omphalodes cappadocica Cherry Ingram | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Omphalodes cappadocica Lilac Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Omphalodes cappadocica Starry Eyes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Omphalodes verna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Omphalodes verna Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Omphalodes verna Elfenauge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ononis spinosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Onopordum tauricum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicum Minor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicum Silver Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicus Dwarf Mondo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicus Kioto | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicus Minor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicus Minor Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon japonicus Niger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Black Dragon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Minor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Niger | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Niger | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Niger | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Niger | 15/20 | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Origanum Rosenknuppel | 20/25 | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Origanum vulgare Aureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ornitogalum thyrsoides | Bloembolletjes per 10 stuks | – |
Vaste Planten | Pachysandra terminalis Tundra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Bartzella | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Bartzella | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Bartzella | – | 18 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Bartzella | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Border Charm | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Callies Memory | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Canary Brilliants | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Canary Brilliants | – | 4 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Canary Brilliants | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Canary Brilliants | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Cora Louise | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Cora Louise | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Cora Louise | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh First Arrival | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Garden Treasure | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Garden Treasure | – | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Garden Treasure | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Hillary | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Julia Rosa | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Julia Rosa | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Lemon Dream | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Lemon Dream | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Old Rose Dandy | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Old Rose Dandy | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Orange | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Pastel Splendor | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Pink Ardour | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Scarlet Heaven | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Scarlet Heaven | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Itoh Yellow Waterlilly | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Alexander Fleming | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Bowl of Beauty | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Chun Xiao | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Coral Sunset | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Da Fu Gui | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours | – | P15 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Felix Crousse | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Fen Yu Nu | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Fen Yu Nu | 15/+ ogen | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Festiva Maxima | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Fu Shi | – | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Hong Feng | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Hong Yan Zheng Hui | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Immacul?e | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Inspecteur Lavergne | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Jadwiga | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Jan Van Leeuwen | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Karl Rosenfield | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Karl Rosenfield | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Karl Rosenfield | – | P15 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Lian Tai Zi | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Ling Hua Chen Yu | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Louis Van Houtte | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Monsieur Jules Elie | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Nymphe | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Qiao Ling | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Qing Tian Hong | – | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Red Charm | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Red Charm | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Sarah Bernardt | – | P15 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Sarah Bernhardt | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Sarah Bernhardt | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Shao Nu Zhang | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Shirley Temple | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Shirley Temple | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Victoire de la Marne | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora White Wings | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Xuan Li Duo Cai | – | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Xue Shan Zi Yu | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Zhong Sheng Fen | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Zi Fu Rong | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lactiflora Zi Ling Jin Xing | 5/+ ogen | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lutea | 50/60 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia lutea | 60/+ | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Alba Plena | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Alba Plena | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Mollis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Rosea Plena | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Rosea Plena | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Rubra Plena | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia officinalis Rubra Plena | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia peregrina Sunshine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia rockii Bleu | 40/50 3-8 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia rockii Pink | 40/50 3-8 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa | – | 1 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa | – | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa | 20/+ | 1 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa | TERRA | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa 02 Cang Zhi Hong | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa 16 Xue Ta | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Alice Harding | 2/3 tak | 6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Bai Yuan Hong Xia | 5/6 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Dao Jin | 3/4 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Dao Jin | 3/4 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa donkerrood | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa donkerroze | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Feng Dan Bai | 4/5 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Feng Dan Bai | 4/5 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Feng Dan Bai | 4/5 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Suffruticosa Geel | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Hai Huang | 3/4 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Hu Hong | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Hu Hong | 8/10 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Hua Wang | 4/5 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa in soort | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa in soort | – | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa in soorten | – | 1 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Jin Ge | 3/4 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Jing Yu | 3/4 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Juan Ye Hong | 6/7 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Juan Ye Hong | 6/8 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa lavendel | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa lichtrood | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa lichtrose | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Lu He Hong | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Lu He Hong | 6/7 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Lu He Hong | 8/10 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Lu He Hong | 8/10 tak | C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Lu Mu Ying Yu | 2/3 tak | 6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Luo Yang Hong | 5/6 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Luo Yang Hong | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Luo Yang Hong | 8/10 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Mo Run Jue Lun | 3/4 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa oranje | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa oranje | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia Suffruticosa Purper | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Ri Yue Jin | 5/6 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa roos | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa rosa | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Rot | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Rou Fu Rong | 5/6 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Rou Fu Rong | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa scharlaken | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa weiss | – | P11 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa White Cat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa wit | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Jin Yao Hui | 3/4 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Jin Yao Hui | 6/8 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Long Peng Sheng | 5/6 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Long Peng Sheng | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Long Peng Sheng | 6/8 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Long Peng Sheng | 8/10 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Wu Long Peng Sheng | 8/10 tak | C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Xiang Yu | 5/6 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Xue Ta | 5/6 tak | 6 deco |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Yin Hong Dui | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Yin Hong Qiao Dui | 5/6 tak | Terra C6 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Yin Hong Qiao Dui | 8/10 tak | 9 |
Vaste Planten | Paeonia suffruticosa Yin Hong Qiao Dui | 8/10 tak | C6 |
Vaste Planten | Panicum Heiliger Hain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Panicum virgatum Northwind | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Panicum virgatum Shenaudauch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver miyabeianum Pacino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver nudicaule | 20/30 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver nudicaule Gartenzwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver nudicaule Pacino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Aglaya | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Beauty of Livermere | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Black and White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Brillant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Central Park | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Choir Boy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Clochard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Curlilocks | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Doubloons | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Effendi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Flamenco | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Gartenzwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Goliath | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Harlem | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Harvest Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Helen Elizabeth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale John III | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Karine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale K?ningin Alexandra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Lady Moore | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Ladybird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Little Dancing Girl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Manhatten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Marcus Perry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Mrs Perry | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Partyfun | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Pattys Plum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Perrys White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Picotee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Pink Ruffles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Pink Ruffles | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Pinnacle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Prinz. Victoria Luise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Royal Chocolate Distinction | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Royal Wedding | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Salmon Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Showgirl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale T?rkenlouis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Tutu | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver orientale Victoria Louise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Papaver pizzicato | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Parahebe lyallii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Paronychia kapela ssp.serpyllifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Patrinia gibbosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Peltoboykinia tellimoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pennisetum Alopecuro?des Hameln | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pennisetum alopecuroides Japonicum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon Andenken an F Hahn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon Apple Blossom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon barbatus Coccineus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon digitalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon digitalis Huskers Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon heter. Catharine de la M?re | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Alice Hindley | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Andenken an F.Hahn (Garnet) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Apple Blossom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Black Bird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Flamingo | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Garnet | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Garnet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Midnight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Purple Passion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Rich Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Rubicunda | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Schoenholzeri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Sour Grapes | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride Sour Grapes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon hybride White Bedder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Penstemon pinifolius | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Perovskia Blue Spire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Perovskia Lacey Bleu (Lisslitt) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Perovskia Little Spire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria affine Superbum | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria affine Superbum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Darjeeling Red | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Darjeeling Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Dimity | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria affinis Donald Lowndes | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria affinis Donald Lowndes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Kabouter | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Superba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Affinis Superba | 15/20 | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria affinis Superba (Dimity) | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria affinis Superba (Dimity) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Amplexicaulis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Alba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Blackfield | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Blackfield | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Dark Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Delgado | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Delgado | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Delgado macho | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Delgado macho | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Fascination | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Fat Domino | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis High Society | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Inverleith | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Jo and Guido s form | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis JS Caliente | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis JS Caliente | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis JS Calor | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis JS Calor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis JS Delgado | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Amplexicaulis Lisan | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Amplexicaulis Lisan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Orange Field | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Pink Elephant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Pink Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Amplexicaulis rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Rosea | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Rosea | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Speciosa | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Speciosa | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Speciosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis Taurus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis var pendula | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria amplexicaulis White Eastfield | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria bistorba Superba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria bistorba Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria bistorta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria bistorta Superba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria bistorta Superba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria campanulata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria filiformis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria filiformis Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria Polymorpha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria vacciniifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Persicaria vivipara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites albus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites fragrans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites hybridus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites hybridus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites japonicus Giganteus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites japonicus Giganteus | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Petasites palmata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petrorhagia saxifraga | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petrorhagia saxifraga Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Petrorhagia saxifraga Rosette | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis cashmeriana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis fruticosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis fruticosa | 25/30 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis russeliana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis russeliana | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis russeliana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis samia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis tuberosa | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis tuberosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlomis tuberosa Amazone | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox adsurgens Wagon Wheel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox arendsii Anja | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox arendsii Hilda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox arendsii Suzanne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox bifida Petticoat | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox bifida Ralph Haywood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox bifida Starbright | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox borealis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox carolina Bill Baker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox carolina Miss Lingard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox divaricata Blue Perfume | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox divaricata Chattahoochee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox divaricata Clouds of Perfume | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox divaricata Dirigo Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox divaricata May Breeze (wit) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox divaricata White Perfume | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Crackerjack | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Dani?l Cushion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Eva | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii G.Arends | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Lilac Cloud | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Red Admiral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Rose Cushion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Star Brikei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii Waterloo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox douglasii White Admiral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Alpha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Delta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Magnificense | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Matineus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Natascha | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Omega | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox maculata Rosalinde | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Aida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Amethyst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata B.Symons-Jeune | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Balmoral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Barnwell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Becky Towe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Blue Boy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Blue Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Blue Paradise | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Border Gem | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Brigadier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Bright Eyes | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Bright Eyes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Casa Blanca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Classic Cassis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Cosmopolitan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Darwins Joyce | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata David | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata David s Lavender | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata D?sterlohe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Eclaireur | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Edens Flash | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Edens Glory | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Edens Glow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Edens Smile | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Elisabeth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Elizabeth Arden | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Europa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Eva Cullum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Flamingo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Fondant Fancy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Franz Schubert | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Frosted Elegance | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Fujiyama | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Goldmine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Grace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Graf Zeppelin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Grandmothers White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Grenadine Dream | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Harlequin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Herfstsering | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Hesperis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Iris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Jade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Judy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Karoline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Kirchenf?rst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Kirmesl?ndler | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Laura | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Lavendelwolke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Leo Schlagart | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Lichtspel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Light Pink Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Lilac Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Lilac Time | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Little Boy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Little Princess | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Lizzy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Lucs Lilac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Mia Ruys | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Mies Copijn | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Ellie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Holland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Jill | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Jo-Ellen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Karen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Kelly | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Margie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Pepper | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Miss Universe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Monica Lynden-Bell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Newbird | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Nicky | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Orange Perfection | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Pastorale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Pax | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Pina Colada | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Pink Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Prospero | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Purple Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Purple Kiss | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Purpurmantel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Red Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Rembrandt | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Rijnstroom | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Rosa Pastell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Rosa Spier | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Roter Riese | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata San Antonio | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Septemberglut | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Sherbet Cocktail | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Silberlachs | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Spitfire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Starfire | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Sweet William | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Tenor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata The King | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Tiara | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Uspech | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Van Gogh | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Vintage Wine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Violet Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Watermelon Punch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Wendy House | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata White Admiral | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata White Admiral | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata White Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Wilhelm Kesselring | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox paniculata Windsor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox stolonifera Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox stolonifera Ariane | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox stolonifera Blue Ridge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox stolonifera Home Fires | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox stolonifera Pink Ridge | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Amazing Grace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Atropurpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Bavaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Benita | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Calvides White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Candy Candy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Candy Stripes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Emerald Cushion Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata G.F.Wilson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata MacDaniels Cushion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Maischnee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Moerheimii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Moerheimii | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Purple Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Scarlet Flame | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Sch?ne von Ronsdorf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Sch?ne von Ronsdorf | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata Temiskaming | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phlox subulata White Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phuopsis stylosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phuopsis stylosa Purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phygelius aequalis Blacher (Cherry Ripe) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phygelius aequalis Yellow Trumpet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phygelius hybride Triwidden Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phygelius rectus African Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phygelius rectus Moonraker | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phyla nodiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis alkekengi Jel02 (Halloween King) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis alkekengi var.franchetii | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis alkekengi var.franchetii | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis alkekengi var.franchetii | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis alkekengi var.franchetii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis ixocarpa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physalis peruviana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Bouquet Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Galadriel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Red Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Summer Snow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Physostegia virginiana Vivid | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Phytolacca americana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Plantago coronopus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Plantago lanceolata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Plantago major Purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Platicodon grandiflorum Fuji White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Platicodon grandiflorum Mariesii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Podophyllum hexandrum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Podophyllum Kaleidoscope | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Podophyllum peltatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Podophyllum Spotty Dotty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium caeruleum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium caeruleum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium caeruleum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium caeruleum Brise dAnjou | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium caeruleum Lambrook Mauve | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium caeruleum Northern Lights | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium coer.Snow and Sapphires | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium hybride Glebe Cottage Lilac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium hybride Purple Leaf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium pulcherrimum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium reptans Blue Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium reptans Stairway to Heaven | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | polemonium reptans Touch of Class | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polemonium yezoense Purple Rain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polmonaria officinalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygala chamaebuxus Grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum biflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum commutatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum falcatum Variegatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum humile | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum hybr.Weihenstephan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum latifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum multiflorum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum multiflorum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonatum odoratum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum affine | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum affine Darjeeling Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum affine Dimity | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum affine Donald Lowndes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum affine Superbum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum affine Superbum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplex. Jo and Guidos form | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Album | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Firetail | – | P3 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule High Society | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Inverleith | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Roseum | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Roseum | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Speciosum | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Speciosum | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Speciosum | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Speciosum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum amplexicaule Speciosum | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum bistorta ssp.carnea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum bistorta Superbum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum campanulatum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum campanulatum Album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum compactum Roseum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum filiformis Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum polymorphum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum polymorphum | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Polygonum vacciniifolium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla atrosanguinea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla atrosanguinea Arabesque | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla crantzii Goldrausch | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla fragiformis (megalantha) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla fragiformis Yellow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla fragiformis Yellow | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla Gibsons Scarlet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hopwoodiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Arc-en-Ciel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Flambeau | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Flamenco | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Gibsons Scarlet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Orange | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Volcan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride William Rollison | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla hybride Yellow Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla nepalensis Miss Willmott | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla neumanniana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla recta Warrenii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Potentilla tonguei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pratia angulata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pratia angulata Treadwellii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primev?res des jardins | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula auricula gemengd (pubescens) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula beesiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula bulleesiana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula bulleyana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula burmanica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula capitata ssp.mooreana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula chungensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula denticulata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula denticulata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula denticulata Cashmeriana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula denticulata Lilac | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula denticulata roos | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula denticulata Rubin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula elatior Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula elatior Aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula elatior Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula eliator | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula eliator Gold Lace Black | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula eliator Gold Lace Red | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula eliator Gold Lace Scarlet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula eliator Silver Lace Black | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula eliator Wildform | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula florindae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula florindae Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula helodoxa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula hybride Francesca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula japonica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula japonica Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula japonica Millers Crimson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula juliae Groenekans Glorie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula juliae Sneeuwwitje | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula juliae-hybr. Ideaal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula juliae-hybr. Wanda | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula pulverulenta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula rosea Gigas | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula rosea Grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula saxatilis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula sikkimensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula veris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula vialii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Primula vulgaris | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Primula vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pritzelago alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora Alba | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora Altenberg Rosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora Loveliness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora Loveliness Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora Loveliness White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella grandiflora roos | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella vulgaris | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella vulgaris Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella webbiana Gruss aus Isernhagen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Prunella webbiana Rosea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria albocorollata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria angustifolia Azurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria angustifolia Blaues Meer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Apple Frost | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Blue Ensign | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride British Sterling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Coral Springs | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Excalibur | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Little Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Majest? | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Majest? | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Opal | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Raspberry Ice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Reginald Kaye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria hybride Samourai | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria longifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria longifolia Diane Clare | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria longifolia E.B. Anderson | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria longifolia ssp.cevennensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria Moonshine | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria officinalis Bamberg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria officinalis Blue Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria officinalis Sissinghurst White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria officinalis White Wings | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria rubra Albocorollata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria rubra Barfield Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria rubra David Ward | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria rubra Redstart | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata British Sterling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Dora Bielefeld | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Leopard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Margery Fish | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Moonshine | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Mrs Moon | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Reginald Kaye | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria saccharata Silverado | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulmonaria vallarsae Margery Fish | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris Papageno | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris R?de Klokke | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris Rubra | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris violet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Pulsatilla vulgaris White Swan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ranunculus acris Multiplex | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ranunculus acris Sulphureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ranunculus gramineus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Raoulia australis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ratibida columnifera | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ratibida columnifera var.pulcherrima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rehmannia elata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Reynoutria japonica var.compacta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum australe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum palmatum Atrosanguineum | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum palmatum Atrosanguineum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum palmatum var.tanguticum | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum palmatum var.tanguticum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum rhabarbarum Frambozenrood | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum rhabarbarum Goliath | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum rhabarbarum Mikoot | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rheum rhabarbarum Valentine F1 | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rhodoxis Fairy Tails | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia aesculifolia | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia aesculifolia | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia aesculifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia aesculifolia Irish Bronze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia Big Mama | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia henrici | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia henrici | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia hybride Dark Pokers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia hybride La Blanche | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia pinnata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia pinnata Chocolate Wings | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia pinnata Elegans | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia pinnata Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia pinnata Hercules | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia podophylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia podophylla Braunlaub | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia podophylla Rotlaub | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia podophylla Rotlaub | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia podophylla Smaragd | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia sambucifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia sambucifolia Pot 3 Liter | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia tabularis | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rodgersia tabularis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rosmarinus officinalis Capri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rosularia sedoides var.Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | 40/50 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | 50/60 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm | 50/60 | 10 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Little Gold Star | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida Pot of Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida var.deamii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia fulgida var.speciosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia laciniata Goldquelle | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia laciniata Goldquelle | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia maxima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia nitida Herbstsonne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia occidentalis Black Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia occidentalis Green Wizard | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia purp. Leuchtstern | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia subtomentosa Henry Eilers | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Rudbeckia subtomentosa Henry Eilers | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Ruta graveolens Jackmans Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sagina subulata | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Sagina subulata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sagina subulata Aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sagina subulata Senior | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia Amistad | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia Amistad | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia amplexicaulis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia argentea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia Blue Monrovia | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia elegans Scarlet Pineapple | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia glutinosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia grahamii | 20/25 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia grahamii Violette | 20/25 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia greggii Lipstick | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia greggii lycoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia guaranitica Black and Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia guaranitica Blue Enigma | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia hians | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia hybride Dear Anja | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia jamensis La Luna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia jamensis Pat Vlasto | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia jamensis Sierra San Antonio | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia jurisicii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia lavandulifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia lavandulifolia lavandulifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Blue Monrovia | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Caramba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Elmar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Hot Lips | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Hot Lips | – | 5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Hot Lips | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Hot Lips | 20/25 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Hot Lips | 30/40 | P17 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Hotlips | 30/40 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Maraschino | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Pink Beauty | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia microphylla Royal Bumble | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Amethyst | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Amethyst | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Blauh?gel | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Blauh?gel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Blauk?nigin | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Blauk?nigin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Brightness | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Caradonna | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Caradonna | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Caradonna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Caradonna | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Caradonna | 15/20 | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Caradonna | Extra | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Day Night | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Lubeca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Mainacht | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Mainacht | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Marcus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Negrito | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | – | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | 15/20 | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | 10/+ | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Ostfriesland | Extra | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Plumosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Porzellan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Primavera | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Rose Queen | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Rose Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa R?gen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa R?gen | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Schneeh?gel | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Schneeh?gel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Schneeh?gel | – | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Schneeh?gel | 15/20 | P12 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Schneeh?gel | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Senior | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Sensation | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Sensation White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Spitzentraum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa T?nzerin | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Viola Klose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemerosa Wesuwe | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemorosa Ostfriesland | 30/40 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemorosa Pink Friesland | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nemorosa Schwellenburg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia nipponica Fuji Snow | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Albiflora | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Aurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Berggarten | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Berggarten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Grete St?lze | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Icterina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Nazareth | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Purpurascens | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Purpurascens | – | 2,5 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Purpurascens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis rose selectie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis ssp Berggarten | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Tricolor | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Tricolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia officinalis Tricolor Bicolor | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia patens Royal Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia patens Royal Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia patens White Trophy | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis Eveline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis Madeline | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis Pink Delight | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis Rhapsody in Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis Twilight Serenade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia pratensis var.haematodes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia repens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia sclarea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia sclarea White Vatican | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia sinaloensis Blue Eyes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia sylvestris Dear Anja | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia sylvestris Lye End | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia sylvestris Serenade | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia taraxacifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia uliginosa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia uliginosa African Skies | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia verticillata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia verticillata Endless Love | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia verticillata Hannay s Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia verticillata Purple Rain | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Salvia x superba Marcus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguinaria canadensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba canadensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba hybride Dali Marble | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba hybride Dali Marble | Sanguisorba minor | Blote wortel |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba hybride Pink Brushes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba menziesii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba minor | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba obtusa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba obtusa Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba obtusa Chocolate Tip | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba officinalis Little Angel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba officinalis Pink Tanna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba officinalis Red Thunder | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba officinalis Tanna | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba tenuifolia Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba tenuifolia Pink Elephant | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sanguisorba tenuifolia Purpurea | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | 15/20 | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | 15/20 | 1,5 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | 20/25 | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus | Diam. 40/45 Super | P19 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus Edward Bowles | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina chamaecyparissus Lambrook Silver | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina pinnata subsp.neapolitana | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina pinnata subsp.neapolitana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina rosmarinifolia | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina rosmarinifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina serratiifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Santolina virens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria hybride Bressingham | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria lempergii Max Frei | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria ocymoides | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria ocymo?des | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria officinalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria officinalis Alba Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria officinalis Rosea Plena | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saponaria olivana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga anglica Beryl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga anglica Cranbourne | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga anglica Grace Farwell | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga apiculata Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga apiculata Albert Einstein | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga apiculata Gregor Mendel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Adebar | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Blutenteppich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Houses Variety | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Knapton Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Luschtinez | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Peter Pan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Pixie | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Purpurteppich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Schneeteppich | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii Triumph | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga arendsii White | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga bertolonii Antonio | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga biasolettii Lohmuelleri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga biasolettii Phoenix | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga bohemia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga boydii Hinhead Seedling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga boydii Nottingham Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga boydilacina Penelope Geel | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga boydilacina Penelope Rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga burseriana Seissera | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga caucasica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cortusifolia Black Ruby | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cortusifolia Rokujo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cortusifolia Rubrifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cotyledon Southside Seedling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cotyledon var.pyramidalis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cristal Pink | – | 3 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cristal Pink | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga cuneifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga elisabethae Boston Spa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga elisabethae Ochroleuca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga elizabethae Cream Seedling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga eudoxiana Gold Dust | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga eudoxiana Haagii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga fortunei Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga frederici-augusti Wisley | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hofmannii Bodensee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hornibrookii Romeo | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Cloth of Gold | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Darlington rood | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Darlington wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Elf | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Findling | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Harder Zwerg | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Hi-Ace | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Knapton Pink | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Pixie wit | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Pixie wit | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Pixie rose | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Pixie rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Schwefelbl?te | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybr.cult. Triumph | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybride Stansfieldii | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga hybride Stansfieldii rose | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga irvingii Jenkinsae | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga irvingii Mother of Pearl | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga kellereri Johann Kellerer | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga kelleri Kewensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga longifolia hybride | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga oppositifolia Corrie Fee | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga oppositifolia Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga oppositifolia Vaccari | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga paniculata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga paniculata (aizoon) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga paniculata Baldensis | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga paniculata Rosea Splendens | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga poluanglica Your Friend | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga poluanglica Your Smile | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga poluanglica Your Succes | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga polulacina Kathleen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga poluluteo Luznice | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga sancta Odysseus | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga sempervivum stenophylla | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga stribrnyi f.stribrnyi | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga stribrnyi Tristan | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga umbrosa (urbium) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga umbrosa Clarence Elliott | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga umbrosa Variegata | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga webrii Pygmalion | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga Yellow Rock | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Saxifraga zimmeteri | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa caucasica Alba | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa caucasica Clive Greaves | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa caucasica Miss Willmott | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa caucasica Perfecta | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa caucasica St?fa | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue | – | 3,5 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria Nana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria Pink Mist | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa columbaria Pink Mist | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa hybride Chile Black | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa japonica var.alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa lucida | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scabiosa ochroleuca | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Schizachyrium scoparium | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scilla siberica | Bloembollen | – |
Vaste Planten | Scirpus lacustris | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scopolia carniolica | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scutellaria alpina | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scutellaria altissima | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scutellaria incana | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Scutellaria scordifolia | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre | – | 2 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre Aureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre Elegans | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre lydium | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre Yellow Queen | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre Yellow Queen | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum acre Yellow Queen | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum alboroseum Mediovariegatum (spectabile Variegatum) | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Aureum | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Coral Carpet | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Coral Carpet | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Coral Carpet | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Coral Carpet Minus | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Coral Carpet Minus | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album minus | – | P13 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album minus | – | P10,5 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Murale | – | P9 |
Vaste Planten | Sedum album Royal Carpet |