Forest and hedge plants

Forest and hedge plantsAbies Alba (pectinata)5-7 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Alba (pectinata)8-15 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Alba (pectinata)15-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Alba (pectinata)20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Alba (pectinata)20-35 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Alba (pectinata)2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies concolor10-15 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies concolor15-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies concolor20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies concolor20/30 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAbies concolor2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii12-18 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii25-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii40-60 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies Fraserii2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis10-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis15-25 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis20-35 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis25-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies grandis10/+ 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana10-15 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana15-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana15-20 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana20-45 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana30-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana30-50 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies koreana2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa 15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa 20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa Arizonica15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa Arizonica20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa Arizonica30-50 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies lasiocarpa Arizonica2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana10-15 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana12-18 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana12-20 2+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana15-20 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana15-25 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana15-30 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana20-30 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana25-35 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana25-35 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana30-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana30-50 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies nordmanniana2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)60-802+3
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)20-30 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)25-40 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAbies procera (nobilis)2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-602
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-902
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-1255
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 2 branch/+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-140 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre150-175 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre150-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre200-225 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre200-225 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40-60 1+0 5-8 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-90 1+0 7-10 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-140 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-120 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100-125 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 1+2 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80-120 0+1 3branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60-100 2-branch2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre20/40P9
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre40/602
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60/802
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre60/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80/1003
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80/1005
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre80/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100/1255
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100/1405
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre125/1502
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre125/1505
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre125/1507,5
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre125/150Clod
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre150/1755
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre150/2005
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre150/2007,5
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100/125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100/125 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAcer campestre100/+
Forest and hedge plantsAcer conspicuum40/601,5
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale60-100 3 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale90-100 3 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer ginnale90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo40-60 1+0 5-8 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo60-100 1+0 7-10 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo60-100,7-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer negundo6-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer palmatum30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer palmatum40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer palmatum40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides40-602
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides80-100 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides100-140 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides140-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides40-60 1+0 5-8 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides50-80 1+0 6-8 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-90 1+0 8-12 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides80-100 1+0 8-12 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides50-80 1+0 6-8mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides60-90 1+0 8-12mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoides100/125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer platanoidesPlug 400 cc – 28 plants pro Tray8 x 8 cm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus50-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus80-100 2+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus80-120 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus125-150 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus140-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus150-175 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus180-220 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus200-300 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus40-60 1+0 5-8 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60-90 1+0 7-10 mm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60/802
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus100/125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanus100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer pseudoplatanusPlug 400 cc – 28 plants pro Tray8 x 8 cm
Forest and hedge plantsAcer rubrum40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer rubrum60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer sacharinum80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAcer sacharinum40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer sacharinum60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer sacharinum120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer tataricum ginnala15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAcer tataricum ginnala50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer tataricum ginnala60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAcer tataricum ginnala50-80 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAcer tataricum ginnala50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum15-20 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum20-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum20-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum100-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum150-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAesculus hippocastanum30-50 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsAilanthus altissima50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAilanthus altissima120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlbizia julibrissin30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata40-602
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata60-802
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata140-160 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus cordata30-50 4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa150-175
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa140-180 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa150-200 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa180-200 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa40-60 5-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa60/802
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100/+
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus glutinosa100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana140-180 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana150-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana40-60 5-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana200/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAlnus incana150/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis80-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis80-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis100-125 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis100-125 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis40/602
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier canadensis60/802
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-602
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-802
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-1202
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii125-150
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-90 2 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-90 3 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii20-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-40 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-50 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii50-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+3 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii100-125 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii80-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-50 1+2 bossig
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii40-60 1+2 bossig
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii120-150 1+2 Bush
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii60-100 1+2 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii50-80 BossigBare root
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier lamarckii30-50 4-7mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier ovalis60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier rotundifolia60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata30-402
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata40-602
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata60-802
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata30-50 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata20-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata60-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata60-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata30-50 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata40-60 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata40-60 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata60-100 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata40/60 1 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsAmelanchier spicata40/60 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia arbutifolia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAronia arbutifolia40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa30-50
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-602
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-802
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-802,5
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-90 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa60-90 1+3 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa80-120 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa20-40 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa30-50 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa50-80 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa50-80 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsAronia melanocarpa40-60 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae25-302
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae30-502
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae15-25 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae25-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae25-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae30-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis julianae30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis koreana30-50Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thun. atropurp.1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thun. atropurp.10-+ 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea20-302
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30-402
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-602
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30-40 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30-50 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea60-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30-50 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+2 3-4 branch zwaar
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea40-60 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea50-80 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea30/50 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunb. Atropurpurea10/+ 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii25-302
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-402
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 2 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 2 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 3 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii25-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-40 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+3 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30-50 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii25-40 1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii60-80 1+3 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii40-60 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii50-80 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii50-80, Bush
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis thunbergii30/+ branched
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris20-402,5
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris30-402
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris30-502
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-602
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris60-80
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris60-807,5
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-70 – 3 branch/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris25-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris30-40 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris30-50 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40-60 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris20/402,5
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris30/402
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris40/602
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris60/807,5
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis vulgaris Atropurpurea30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBerberis wilsoniae20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula alba120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula Nigra100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula papyrifera100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula papyrifera150-175 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula papyrifera120/150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula40-602
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula40-60
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-802
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-80
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-100
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula80-100
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula80-1202
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100-125
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula125-150
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula140-160 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula140-180 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula140-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula150-175 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula150-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula180-220 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula200-250 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula30-50 4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula60/802
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula150/175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100/+
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula200/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pendula175/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens80-1202
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens100-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens140-160 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens150-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens80-120 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens30-50 4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens200/250Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens250/300Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens200/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBetula pubescens80/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBetula verrucosa120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii60-90 2+1 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsBuddleja davidii80-100 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens15-25
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens20-30
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens25-30
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens30-50
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens50-60
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens10-20 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens15-20 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens15-20 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens20-25 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens20-25 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens25-30 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens25-30 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens25-30 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens30-40 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens30-40 0+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens15-20 0+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens20-30 0+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens25-30 0+1+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens25-40 0+1+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens30-40 0+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens30-40 0+1+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens40-50 0+1+2+3Clod
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens50-60 0+1+2+3Clod
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens60-80 0+1+2+3Clod
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens23 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens20/+
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens30/+ 0+1+3
Forest and hedge plantsBuxus sempervirens40/+ 0+1+4
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-802
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens80-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCaragana arborescens60-100 1+1 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus20-40P9
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-602
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-602,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-802
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-803
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-802,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-90Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-1003
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-1001,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus90-1102,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus90-120Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-1253
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-1255
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-1252,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-1257,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-1503
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-1505
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-1506
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-1753
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-1755
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-1757,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-2005
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-2007
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-20010
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus250-300Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus300-350Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus350-400Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus250 / + beveerd/on stick12
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus15-30 1+02,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus20-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+24
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200-225 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200-225 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 2+0 A
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-90 2+0 A
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 2+0 A
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 2+0 B
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-90 2+0 B
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 2+0 B
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2 EXTRABare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 1+1 Recht
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+1 Recht
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-100 1+2 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 1+2 2branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60-80 1+2 3branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2 V
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 1+2 V
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 1+2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-120 1+2+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-120 1+2+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80-100 1+2+2 2branch
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100 cm3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100-125 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125-150 on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150-175 on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 on stick7
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175-200 on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200-225 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200-225 on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200-225 on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200-250 on stick10
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40-60 3-5branch2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus20/30P12
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40/602
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60/802
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60/803,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60/90Rose pot C3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/902
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1003
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1004
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1005
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1003,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/1007,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/100Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/1253
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/1254
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/1255
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/1252,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/1253,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus120/150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1502
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1503
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1504
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1505
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1506
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1502,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/1755
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/1756
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/2005
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/2006
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/2505
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/2507,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 beveerd/on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150 beveerd/on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150 beveerd/on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150 beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/175 beveerd/on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/175 beveerd/on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/175 beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/200 beveerd/on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/200 beveerd/on stick7,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/200 beveerd/on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/200 beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/250 beveerd/on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/250 beveerd/on stick12
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/250 beveerd/on stick7,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus40/60 3-5 branch2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus7/15 1+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus50/80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150 bev.Clod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/175 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/200 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/250 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus250/300 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 beveerd/on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 beveerd/on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus80/100 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 on stick3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/125 on stickBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/150 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/175 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/175 on stick3,5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus175/200 on stick5
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus200/250 on stick10
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus60/+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/+3
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus150/+ – 1/2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus120/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulus125/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulusKant en klaar haag 120 x 155cm120 x 155cm
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulusPlug 400 cc – 28 plants pro Tray8 x 8 cm
Forest and hedge plantsCarpinus betulusSpil 125/150Co
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa60-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa80-120 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa100-125 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa120-140 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa150-175 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa140/+ 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsCastanea sativa150/+ 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides50-70 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides80-120 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides6-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCatalpa bignonioides8-12mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus deodara10-20 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus deodara20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus deodara20-35 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus deodara1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus libani20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus libani1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus libani Atlantica20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCedrus libani Atlantica1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCercidiphyllum Japonicum30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCercis siliquastrum20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCercis siliquastrum40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCercis siliquastrum60-90 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-50 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChaenomeles japonica40-60 1+1 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana15-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana15-25 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana20-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana4-6 mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana6-8 mm 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsChamaecyparis lawsoniana1+0
Forest and hedge plantsClerodendrum trichotomum30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens40-60
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-80
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens80-100
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens100-125
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-100 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsColutea arborescens60-100 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba90-120 2 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba80-100 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40-60 0+1+1 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba90-120,2T-+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba40/60 2t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba60/80 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Albaplg 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Aurea40-60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba aurea40-60 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea60-80 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba aurea40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea20-30 0+1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea40-60 0+1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Aurea40-60 0+1+1 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima20-40 0+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima30-50 0+1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima40-60 0+1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima30-50 0+1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80 0+1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima60-80 0+1+1 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Elegantissima0+1 plg
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii30-50 0+1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii30-50 0+1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii0+1 plg
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Gouchaultii0+1+1 plg
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 0+2 5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Kesselringii60-100 0+2 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirian Pearls30-50 0+1+1 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica60-100 0+2 3 t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica80-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica80-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus Alba Sibirica0+1 plg
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Westonbirt60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Westonbirt60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Westonbirt60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus alba Westonbirt60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus amonum40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas125-150
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-90 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50-80 1+2 2branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas60-90 2T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80-120 3T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas90-120 2T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas125/150
Forest and hedge plantsCornus mas50/+ 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-150 5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-120 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 1+2 5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea50-80 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-80 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-120 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-120 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea100-125 1+2 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 3T 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-120 2T 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea80-120 3T 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sanguinea60-100 3T-+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sericea Flaviramea60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus sericea Flaviramea0+1 plg
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-100 0+2 3 t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea100-125 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCornus stolonifera Flaviramea60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana30-50
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-602
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana125-150
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 6/+mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus avellana80-120 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-80 1+2 2/3T
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-120 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus avellana100-125 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40-60 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-120 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100-125 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-120 1+2 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-80 1+2 2/3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana80-120 1+2 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 8-12mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60-100 3t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40/602
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana40/60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana50/702
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100/125
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana200/225
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus Avellana100/+ 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus avellana100/+ 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus colurna90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus maxima Purpurea30-50
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus maxima Purpurea30-50 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsCorylus maxima Purpurea1 jarige aflegger
Forest and hedge plantsCotinus coggygria30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotinus coggygria80-100 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus40-60 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus60/100 1 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus100/+ 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster bullatus100/+ 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster dielsianus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster dielsianus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster dielsianus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster dielsianus60-100 1+2 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster divaricatus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster divaricatus60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster divaricatus60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii60-100 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii50-80 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetii40-60 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster franchetti60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis25-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis25-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis30-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis15/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster horizontalis1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster lucidus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster lucidus30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster lucidus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster lucidus20-40 0+1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster lucidus0+1+1 plg
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster simonsii10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster simonsii30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster simonsii40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCotoneaster simonsii40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus coccinea15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus coccinea40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus coccinea60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata60-802
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata80-100 – 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus laevigata60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-902
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna90-120
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-1202
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna125-150
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-150 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna90-120 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna90-120 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna120-150 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna150-175 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 1+1 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-150 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100-125 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna150 cm 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40-60 4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90 6-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90,2T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60-90,3T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna90-120,2T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna40/602
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna60/802
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna70/802
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/1202
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/120Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/125Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/120 – 2branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna175/200 bev.Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna125/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna120/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna100/+ 1+2 – 2/3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogyna80/+, Bush
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus monogynaBush 150/200Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus pedicellata15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus pedicellata40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus pedicellata60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus persimillis20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus persimillis50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus persimillis60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus prunifolia20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus prunifolia50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsCrataegus prunifolia60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius40-60
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius60-80
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius7-15 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius40/601,5
Forest and hedge plantsCytisus scoparius40/60P9
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis125-1502
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia gracilis40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica80-100
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica100-125
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica125-150
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia magnifica40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra80-100
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra100-125
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra125-150
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsDeutzia scabra40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsElaeagnus umbellata40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsElaeagnus umbellata40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsElaeagnus umbellata40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsElaeagnus umbellata50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-100 1+1 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia60-100 1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia80/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus angustifolia80/+ 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus commutata40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus commutata40-60 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEleagnus umbellata40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus125-150
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-150 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 2 branch/+ 2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-90 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-90 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus30-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus40-60 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100-125 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 1+2 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus80-120 1+2 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus40-60 5-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsEuonymus europaeus100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica2,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica20-40P9
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-602
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-602,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-802
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-802,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-803,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-1003
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-1005
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-1253
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-1255
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-1256
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-12510
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-1252,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-1257,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-1503
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-1504
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-1505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-15010
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-150
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-1507,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-1754
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-1755
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-17510
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-1753,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-1757,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-2005
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-2007
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-20010
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-200
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-2007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-2505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-2507
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-25010
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-250
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica20-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica25-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica30-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-90 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-90 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 2+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 3+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-120 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-120 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-120 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 2+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 3+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120-140 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-150 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-150 2+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 2+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-200 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-200 2+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-225 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-225 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-225 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-90 1+2 A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-150 2+2 bev.
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+2 l.bev.A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-125 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125-150 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 1+2 l.bev.
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+2/1+3A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1+2/1+3B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-120 1+2/1+3A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100-120 1+2/1+3B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120-150 1+2/1+3A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120-150 1+2/1+3B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 1+2/1+3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-180 1+2/1+3A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-180 1+2/1+3B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 1+2/1+3 V
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150-175 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175-200 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200-250 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250-300 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40-60 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50-80 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60-80 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-100 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80-120 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica20/30P12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40/602
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica40/60Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica50/603
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/802
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/803
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/803,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/80Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/903
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1003
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1004
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1005
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/100
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1003,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/1007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/100Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/100Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica90/1203
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/1253
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/1254
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/1255
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/1252,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/1253,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120/150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/1502
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/1503
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/1504
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/1505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/15010
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica140/160Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/1754
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/1755
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/1753,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/2007
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/2255
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/225
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/2257,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/225Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/225Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/2505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/2507
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/2507,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica225/250
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica225/250Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica225/250Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica225/250Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/2757,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/275Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/3007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/300Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/300Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica275/300Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica325/350Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/80 – 3+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica15/25 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/180 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/100 bev
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125 bev
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150 bev
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/80 bev.
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120/150 bev.Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 bev.Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/225 bev.Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175 beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/225 beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/225 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250 beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica225/250 beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120/150 3×0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125 2xV
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150 2xV
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175 2xV
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 2xV
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250 2xV
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/125 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica125/150 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/175 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 zwaar beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/200 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250 zwaar beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/250 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/300 zwaar beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica250/300 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica60/+3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica80/+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/+4
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica120/+3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica100/+ 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica150/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica175/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/+ 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica200/+ 2+2Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-602
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-601,3
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-601,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-602,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-802
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-803
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-801,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-802,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-90
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-1003
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-1004
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-1001,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-1003,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-120Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-1253
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-1252,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-1503
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-1505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-1755
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-1753,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-180Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-20010
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-2007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea30-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea30-50 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea50-80 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea50-80 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-90 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-90 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 2+0A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 2+0B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-125 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-125 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-125 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-180 1+2A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-180 1+2B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-200 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200-225 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 1+2 A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 2+0 A
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 2+0 B
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125-150 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175 1+2 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200 1+2 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200 1+2 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150-175 1+2a2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175-200 1+2a2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200-250 1+2a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200-250 1+2a2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea20-40 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40-60 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60-80 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80-100 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100-125 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea20/30P12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40/602
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40/601,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea50/603
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea50/802
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/704
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/802
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/803
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/801,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/803,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/80Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea60/80Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1003
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1004
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1005
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1001,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1003,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/1007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/100Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea80/100Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/1253
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/1254
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/1255
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/1253,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/125Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/125Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/1503
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/1504
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/1505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/15015
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/1507,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/150Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/1755
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/17510
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/17515
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/1753,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/1757,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/2005
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/20015
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/2007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/225Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/225Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/225Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/2505
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/25015
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/2507,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea225/250Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea225/250Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea225/250Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/2757,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/275Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/3007,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea275/300Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea300/325Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea325/350Wireclod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/150 bev;Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/150 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 beveerd7,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/225 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/250 beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea225/250 beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/275 beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 extra zwaar beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/250 extra zwaar beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/300 extra zwaar beveerd/on stickClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/125 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea100/125 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/150 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea125/150 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/175 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 zwaar beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/200 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/250 zwaar beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/250 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/250 zwaar beveerdClod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/300 zwaar beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/300 zwaar beveerdBare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/+Clod
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/+7,5
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea250/+ beveerd12
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea120/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea150/+ 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea175/+ 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFagus sylvatica Atropurpurea200/+ 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-802
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus80-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus80-120 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsFrangula alnus40/602
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus americana100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior40-60
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior60-80
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior80-100
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior100-125
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior125-150
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior60-90 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior100-140 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior140-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior180-220 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior40-60 5-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior200/+
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior120/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior125/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior150/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus excelsior200/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus100-140 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus40-60 6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus60-90 8-10mm 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus60-90, 8-10mm 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsFraxinus ornus80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba50-80 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsGinkgo biloba20/30P12
Forest and hedge plantsGleditsia triac. inermis30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsGleditsia triac. inermis60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana4-7mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHamamelis virginiana6-10mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus15-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus60-90 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus50-80 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus4-6mm
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus6-9mm
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHibiscus syriacus8-12mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophae rhamnoides60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsHippophae rhamnoides60-100 – 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsHippophae rhamnoides15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides40-60
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-80
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides80-100
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides100-125
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides50-80 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsHippophaea rhamnoides1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium40-60
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium60-80
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium80-100
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium10-15 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium20-30 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium30-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium30-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium40-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium60-80 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium5/+ 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsIlex aquifolium15/+ 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra60-90 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra60-100 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra80-120 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra90-120 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans nigra125-150 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia100-125
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia125-150
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia10-15 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia15-25 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia25-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia60-100 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia60-100 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia60/100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia1+1 10-16mm auf 10 cm H?heBare root
Forest and hedge plantsJuglans Regia2+0 10-15mm auf 10cm H?heBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides40-60 5/+mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides80-120 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides60-90 6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides40-60,5-+mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLaburnum anagyroides60-90,6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua100-140 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix decidua10/+ 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis25-302
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix Eurolepsis80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi100-140 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi125-150 1+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi150-175 1+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi150/175
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi10/+ 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLarix kaempferi120/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum obtus. regelianum40-60 0+1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum obtus. regelianum30-40 0+1+1 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum obtus. regelianum30/502
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium125-150
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 2 branch 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 2 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium90-120 3 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium15-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium20-40 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium90-120 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium120-150 0+3
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium150-175 0+3
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium50-80 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-120 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-100 0+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-100 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-100 0+2 5-8 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-120 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-120 0+2 5-8 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium125-150 0+3 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium50-80 0+1 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-120 0+2 3+5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40-60 0+1 2T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium50-80 0+2 2T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium50-80 0+2 3T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+2 2T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 0+2 3T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium90-120 0+2 2T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium90-120 0+2 3T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 0+2 3T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-90 0+1 2T/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 0+2 3T/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium120-150 0+2 3T/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-100 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80-100 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100-125 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60-80 0+1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100 cmBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40/60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium100/1254
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium125/1503
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium125/1507,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium150/17510
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60/80 – 4 branch3
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80/100 – 3 branch/+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40/60 – 2/3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium15/30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60/100 1branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60/100 2branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60/100 3branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium80/100 3branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60/100 5-8branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium40/60 2branch 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium125/+3,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium150/+15
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium60/+ 0+2 3branch/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifoliumPld. 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifoliumPlg. 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 3 branch/+ 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum60-90 3 branch/+ 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum30-40 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium Aureum30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum25-40 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum60-90 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum90-120 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum15-30 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum20-30 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum25-40 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum30-40 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum60-90 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum30-50 0+2 3T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum50-80 0+2 3T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 0+2 3T/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum25-40 0+1 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum40-60 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum50-80 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium aureum15/30 2branch/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum ovalifolium Aureum10/+0,36
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum tschonoskii Melblack15-30 0+1 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum tschonoskii Melblack20-40 0+1 2 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum tschonoskii MelblackPlg. 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens40-60 2 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-90 2 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens15-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens20-40 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-90 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-100 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens90-120 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens120-150 0+3
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-100 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-120 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-80 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-90 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-90 0+2 5-7 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-100 0+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-100 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-100 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-100 0+2 5-8 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-100 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-100 0+2 5-7 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-120 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-120 0+2 5-8 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens100-125 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens100-125 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens120-150 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens40-60 0+2 2T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-90 0+2 2T
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-90 0+1 3branch/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens60-100 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens80-100 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens100-125 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens40/602
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens100/1253
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens100/125
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens100/125Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirens125/1505
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirensPlg. 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum v atrovirensPlgd 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens40-60
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-80
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80-100
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens100-125
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens125-150
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-100 – 6 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-100 – 5-7 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens40-60 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens20-40 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-100 0+2 2 branchClod
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80-100 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80-100 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens100-125 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens100-125 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens125-150 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens50/801,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens100/1252
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens125/1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens125/150Clod
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens150/1753,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens150/175Clod
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80/120 – 4 branch/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Atrovirens80/120 – 5/7 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-40 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense50-80 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense15-30 0+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense20-40 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+1 2-3 branch3,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+1 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+2 3-4 branchClod
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense35-50 0+2 3-4 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 0+2 5-7 branch3,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense40-60 0+2 5-7 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+2 5 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense15-30 0+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+2 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30-50 0+2 5t/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulg. Lodense30/502,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-80
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-125
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare125-150
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare150-175Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 – 5/8 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-150 – 5/8 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60 2 branch 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-90 2 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-90 3 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare90-120 2 branch 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare90-120 3/5T 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare15-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare20-40 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-90 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare90-120 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare120-150 0+3
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare125-150 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare50-80 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-90 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-120 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-90 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 5-8 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-120 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-120 0+2 5-8 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-125 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-125 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-150 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-150 0+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-150 0+2 5-7 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare125-150 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 2 branch/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-100 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80-100 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare100-125 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare90-120 3-5T 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare60-80 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare125/1503,5
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgare125/150Clod
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgarePlg. 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLigustrum vulgarePlgd. 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua30-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua140-160 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua80-100 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsLiquidambar styraciflua50/80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiriodendron Tulipifera40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiriodendron Tulipifera60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiriodendron Tulipifera90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLiriodendron Tulipifera100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima40-60
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima60-80
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima80-100
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera fragrantissima40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera ledebourii40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera ledebourii80-120 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera morrowii60-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera nitida Maigrun20-30 3T/+ 0+1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica80-100
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica100-125
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica125-150
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera tatarica40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum40-60
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-80
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum80-100
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum100-125
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum125-150
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum50-80 2 branch/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum20-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum100-120 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-100 1+1 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-100 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-100 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum40/60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsLonicera xylosteum60/100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium40-60
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium60-80
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium20-30 2 branch/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-40 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-50 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium15-25 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium25-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-50 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-50 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium40-60 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium20-30,2T-+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium30-40,2T-+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium10/15 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium40/+ 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium40/+ 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMahonia aquifolium1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder4-6 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder6-8 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder8-12 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder8-12 mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder40-60 6-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylv. bittenfelder60-90 8-12mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris40-602
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris60-80
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris60-902
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris80-100
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris100-125
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris125-150
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris40-60 6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris60-90 8-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris60/100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris80/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMalus sylvestris100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica80-100
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica100-125
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica125-175 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMespilus Germanica50-80 3T/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMetasequoia glyptostroboides20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMetasequoia glyptostroboides40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMetasequoia glyptostroboides50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMobilane Fagus sylvatica kant & klaar haag100 x 100 cm
Forest and hedge plantsMorus alba30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsMorus alba40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMorus Alba60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMorus Alba60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMorus alba80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMorus nigra40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMorus nigra60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale15-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale30-50 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale30-50 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale20-30 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica gale30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsMyrica galePlg. 0+1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPakketten met 5 soorten heesters2-3 branchesBare root
Forest and hedge plantsPicea abies25-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea abies30-50 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPicea abies40-60 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea abies40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea abies50-80 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea abiesPlg.2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa10-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa15-25 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa20-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa25-45 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa25-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa30-60 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa30-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa40-70 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa50-80 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa15/+ 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea excelsa2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea glauca40-60 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsPicea glauca60-80 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika10-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika15-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika20-40 2+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika20-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika25-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika25-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika30-60 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika50-80 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika60-80 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika gesort.10-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika gesort.20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika gesort.25-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika gesort.30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea omorika gesort.40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca30-502+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca15-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca20-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca20-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca25-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca30-50 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca15/+ 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca20/+ 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea pungens glauca2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea sitchensis15-30 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPicea sitchensis30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPicea sitchensis40-70 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPicea sitchensis50-80 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Excelsa15-30 2+12
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Excelsa20-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Excelsa30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Excelsa2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Griffithii15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Griffithii20-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Griffithii30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus Griffithii2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo Montana10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo Montana15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo Montana20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo Montana2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Mughus10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Mughus15-25 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Mughus20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Mughus2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Mughus2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Mughus2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Pumilio2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Pumilio2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Pumilio2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus mugo var. Uncinata20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigraPlug 300 cc – 45 plants pro Tray4 x 4 cm
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra Nana20-40 2-1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra Nigra20-30
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra Nigra20-25 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra Nigra30-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra Nigra25/40 – 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra nigra40/60 – 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca15-25 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca20-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp austriaca2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp corsicana15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp corsicana30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp corsicana30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp corsicana1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp corsicana2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp koekelare15-25 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp koekelare20-30 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp laricio15-20 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp laricio15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp laricio30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp laricio1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus nigra ssp laricio2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus peuce15-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus peuce2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus peuce2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus strobus10-20 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus strobus15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus strobus20-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus strobus30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus strobus2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris30-40
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris12-20 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris15-25 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris25-45 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris40-60 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris20-25 plg+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus sylvestris2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPinus wallichiana15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPinus wallichiana20-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus wallichiana30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPinus wallichiana2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia125-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia150-175 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia100/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia Malburg60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia Malburg100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia Malburg125-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus acerifolia Malburg150-175 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus hispanica80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus hispanicaPlg 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus hispanica El Gordo60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus hispanica El Gordo100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus hispanica El Gordo125-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus Malburg150-200 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus occidentalis40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPlatanus occidentalis100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta80-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta100-125 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta125-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta6-8 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta8-10 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus robusta10-12 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba125-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba150-200 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba80/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba150/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba80/+ 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba nivea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba nivea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba nivea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba nivea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba nivea125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus Alba nivea80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens80-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens100-125 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens125/150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus canescens150/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta80-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta100-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta120-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta150-200 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta6-8 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta8-10 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta10-12 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus euramericana Robusta150/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus interam.unal8-10 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus interam.unal10-12 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus interam.unal12-14 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica80-120
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica80-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica100-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica125-150 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica150-200 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica6-8 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica8-10 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica10-12 cm 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica150/175
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica60/80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica80/120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica125/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus nigra Italica150/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula40-60 0+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula60-100 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula80-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula100-125 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula150-200 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula15/30
Forest and hedge plantsPopulus tremula150/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPotentilla fruticosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPotentilla fruticosa40-60 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPotentilla fruticosa40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPotentilla fruticosa40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPotentilla fruticosa30/50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-802
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80-1202
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80-120 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium120-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium150-180 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium150-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium150-200 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium6-10 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium8-12 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60/802
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium60/100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus avium120/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus aviumPlug 400 cc – 28 plants pro Tray8 x 8 cm
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus aviumSpil 80 cm – 6/8 mmBare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus cerasifera60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia40-60 2 branch/+ 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia15-20 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia20-40 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia30-50 0+1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus mahaleb40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus mahaleb60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus mahaleb80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus Mahaleb50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus Mahaleb60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus myrabolana60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus myrabolana100-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus myrabolana60-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus myrabolana60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus myrabolana8-12 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40-602
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus100-150 – 3/4 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60-100 1+2 2-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40-60 5-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40/602
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60/802
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus40/60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus60/100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus padus100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus serotina60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus serotina100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-602
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-802
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-1202
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa100-1255
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-120 – 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa100-150 – 3 branch/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-90 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa100-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+2 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-120 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80-120 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 1+2 bossig
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40-60 5-7mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-90 7-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60-90,7-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa40/602
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60/802
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60/803
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa70/802
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa60/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa80/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa120/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosa125/+ 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsPrunus spinosaBush 60/1003
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii15-25 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii20-30 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii25-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii30-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii40-60 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii50-80 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii80-100 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsPseudotsuga menziesii1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPterocarya fraxinifolia60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis100-125
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis125-150
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis4-6 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis6-8 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis8-12 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis8-12 mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis40-60 6-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis4-6mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus communis Kirchensaller40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus pyraster40-60
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus pyraster60-80
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus pyraster80-100
Forest and hedge plantsPyrus pyraster100-125
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris60-90
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris60-90 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus cerris60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris60-80
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris60-90
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris80-100
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris100-125
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris125-150
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris60-90 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris125-150 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus palustris60-100 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea50-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea80-100 1+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea80-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus petraea80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40-60
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40-602,5
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-80
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-802,5
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-100
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100-125
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100-1252,5
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-150
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-1502,5
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur30-50 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40-60 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur50-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-120 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100-125 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-150 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-150 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur150-175 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur150-180 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur50-80 1A0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60-80 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-100 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100-125 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur120-150 1A1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-150 1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80-120 1a1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur125-150 1a1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur150-175 1a1a1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur30/402
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40/602
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60/802,5
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur60/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80/1202
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur40/60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur80/120 2+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus robur150/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus roburPlug 400 cc – 28 plants pro Tray8 x 8 cm
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra30-502
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra80-100
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra100-125
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra125-150
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra40-70 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra50-80 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra80-100 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra80-120 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra120-150 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra90/120Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra120/150Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubra140/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsQuercus rubraPlug 400 cc – 28 plants pro Tray8 x 8 cm
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharica15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-120 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-90 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80-120 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60-80 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus30/402
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus60/802
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus catharticus80/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula80-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRhamnus frangula60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum30-502
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum40-60 0+2 5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum50-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum30-40 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum40/60 0+1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum Schmidt30-502
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum Schmidt20-40 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum Schmidt50-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum Schmidt30-40 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes alpinum Schmidt40-60 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes americanum80-120 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes americanum80-120 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes aureum40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRibes aureum60-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes aureum60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes aureum50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes aureum60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes aureum80-120 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum60-80 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum60-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Nigrum40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum40-602
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes odoratum40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes rubrum40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRibes rubrum60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRibes rubrum40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes rubrum60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes rubrum60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes rubrum40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Rubrum40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Rubrum40-60 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Rubrum40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Rubrum60-80 0+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Rubrum60-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes Rubrum40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes uva Crispa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRibes uva Crispa40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRibes uva Crispa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia100-125 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia100-140 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia100-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia140-180 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia175-200 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia6-8 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia8-10 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudoacacia10-12 mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudotsuga40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudotsuga60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudotsuga80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudotsuga100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRobinia pseudotsuga125-150
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis40-602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa arvensis40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa Arvensis15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina40-602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-100 1+1 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-100 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina100-125 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-90 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina80-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60-100 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa canina60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)30-50 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)50-80 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)30/502
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)60/802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa glauca (rubrifolia)30/+ 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora40-602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa multiflora60-100 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida20-300+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida15-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida20-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida30-40 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida20-30 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida25-40 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida25-40 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida30-40 0+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida30-50 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida25-40 2t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida30-50 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida25/302
Forest and hedge plantsRosa nitida40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia60-802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa Pimpinellifolia60-100Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa Pimpinellifolia15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia50-80 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia50-80 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia50-80 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia50-80 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia20/302
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia30/402
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa pimpinellifolia60/100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa40-602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa100-125
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa100-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa50-80 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa50-80 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-90 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa80-120 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60-100 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa30/402
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa50/802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60/802
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60/100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rubiginosa60/100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa30-502
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa30-50
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80 3 branch 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80 2 branch/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa20-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa30-50 1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa60-100 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 1+1 2T/+
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80 1+1 2T/+
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40-60 3t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50-80,3T 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa20/302
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa25/+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa50/+ 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 2 branch/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba50-80 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba50-80 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba50-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba50-80 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba60-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 1+1 2T/+
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40-60 3t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba20/302
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba30/402
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba40/60 1+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba60/+2
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa Alba50/+ 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 2 branch/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra60-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40-60 1+1 2T/+
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra30/402
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugosa rubra50/+ 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugotida30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugotida40-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugotida40-60 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugotida30-50 2t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa rugotida30/40Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsRosa spinosima15-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsRosa spinosima40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa spinosima50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa spinosissima50-80 1+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsRosa tomentosa50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana60-100 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana40/602
Forest and hedge plantsRosa virginiana40/60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsRubus Fruticosus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsRubus Fruticosus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsRubus Fruticosus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRubus Fruticosus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRubus Fruticosus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsRubus Fruticosus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix acutifolia60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix acutifolia80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix acutifolia80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba60-100 2 branch/+2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba90-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba150-175 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix alba150-200 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba80-120 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Belders40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Chermesina60/100 0+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Darts Snake80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Liempde40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina80/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Alba Vitellina80/+ 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix americana80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix atrocinerea60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-100 2 branch/+2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80-120 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-90 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-100 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80-100 0+0 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80-120 0+1 3branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-100 2t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60-100 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita50/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix aurita60/100 2/3-branch2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix babylonica Tortuosa60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40-602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-120
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-100 2 branch/+2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40-60 1+03
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea90-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-90 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-100 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80-120 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125 0+1 3-4 branch3
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea100-125 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-100 2t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60-100 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea60/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea125/1502
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea125/150Clod
Forest and hedge plantsSalix caprea80/+ 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Caradoc60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Caradoc80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Caradoc60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Caradoc60-100 0+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsSalix chermesina60/100Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60-100 2 branch/+2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-120 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-120 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80-120 0+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60-100 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60/1002,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea30/50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea60/+ 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix cinerea80/+ 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix daphnoides60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix daphnoides80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix daphnoides80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix daphnoides40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix daphnoides80/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia40-601,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia60-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix elaeagnos Angustifolia40/60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSalix exigua40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix exigua40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix exigua40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix exigua60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix exigua80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix exigua80-120 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis60-802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix fragilis80/+ 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla40-60 1/2t 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla40-60 3t/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix gracilistyla Melanostachys60-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix helvetica20-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix helvetica30-50 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata60-100 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix irrorata80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix nigricans80/120Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSalix pentandra60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix pentandra80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix pentandra80-120 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix pentandra80-120 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix pentandra80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix pentandraPlg2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea90-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-120 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-120 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80/100 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80/+ 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea80/+ 0+1 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea gracilis30-50 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana30-402
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-602,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 2 branch/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40-60,2T-+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana25/302
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana30/402
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana30/401,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana30/40P14
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana50/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix purpurea nana50/+ 0+1 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens30/402
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens argenta40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida30/402
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida40/90P14
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida50/80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix repens nitida50/80 0+1 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia40-602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60-90 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60/100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60/100 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60/100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix rosmarinifolia60/100 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix sepulcralis Erythroflexuosa50-80 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra100-125 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix triandra60-90 1+1 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSalix Triandra80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix triandra60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix triandraPlg 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix udensis Sekka80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis100-140 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-120 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-120 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80-120 0+1 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis60/100 3 branch2
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis80/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSalix viminalis100/+ 0+1 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSalix vitellina80-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra125-150
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra100-150 – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra100-150 – 2/3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra90-120 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra80-100 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60 6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 2t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60-100 3t/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40-60,6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra40/602,5
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra60/80Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra125/1505
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Areum40/602
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Aurea40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Aurea40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Aurea40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Aurea40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Aurea60-100 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Aurea50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra AureaPlg 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra laciniata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra laciniata40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra laciniata40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Variegata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Variegata40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus nigra Variegata40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa50-80 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-100 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-90 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa40-60 6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60-90 7-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSambucus racemosa60/100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSequoiadendron giganteum10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSequoiadendron giganteum30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSophora japonica80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbaria sorbifolia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSorbaria sorbifolia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSorbaria sorbifolia40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSorbaria sorbifolia60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSorbaria sorbifolia60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSorbaria sorbifolia40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aria40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aria60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aria7-15 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aria40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aria60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aria7–15 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia125-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia140-180 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia175-200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia60/802
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia80/1202
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100/1255
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia100/+ 1+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia120/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucuparia125/+ 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus aucupariaSpil 125/1502
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus domestica15-30Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus domestica40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus domestica60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus domestica15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus domestica30-50 1+0Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus domestica15/+Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia7-15 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus intermedia90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis15-30Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis150-180 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis180-220 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsSorbus torminalis40/60/80Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea arguta40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea arguta40-60 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea billiardii60-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea billiardii60-80 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea billiardii40/60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea chamaedryfolia15-30 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea cinerea Grefsheim30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea cinerea Grefsheim40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea cinerea Grefsheim50-80 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea cinerea Grefsheim40-60 0+2 3+4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea cinerea Grefsheim40/60 0+1+2 3-5 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea cinerea Grefsheim50/80 0+1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei40-60 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei60-100 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei60-90, 2T/+ 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei30/50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei40/60 0+1+1 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei80/+ 0+1+2 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSpiraea Vanhouttei80/+ 0+1+1 1-2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos Albus40-60Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos Albus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos Albus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos Albus40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus Laevigatus40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus White Hedge40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus White Hedge40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos albus White Hedge30/50Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40-601,5
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40-60 0+1Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii50-80 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii60-90 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii50-80 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii40/60 – 2 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos chenaultii60/80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Magic Berry40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Magic Berry40-60 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Magic Berry40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Magic Berry40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Magic Berry50/80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Mother of Pearl40-60 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Mother of Pearl40-60 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Mother of Pearl30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Mother of Pearl40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Mother of Pearl40-60 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos d. Mother of Pearl50-80 0+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus40-602
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus60-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus60-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus50-80 0+2
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus50-80 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus50-80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus50-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpos orbiculatus50/80 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60 2 branch/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock50-80 2 branch/+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock30-50 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock60-80 0+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock30-50 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock60-80 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock60-80 0+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock30-50 2t/+
Forest and hedge plantsSymphoricarpus ch. hancock40-60,2T-+ 0+1
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa Europaeus40/601+1
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris60-80
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris80-100
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100-125
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris15-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris30-50 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris60-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris60-80 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris80-100 1+3 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris40-60 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris50-80 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris60-100 1+2 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris30-50 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris50-80 1+2 branched
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100/+
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100/+ 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsSyringa vulgaris100/+ 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra60-100 0+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra60-100 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTamarix tetrandra60-100 0+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsTaxodium distichum20-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTaxodium distichum30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTaxodium distichum40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTaxodium distichum40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTaxodium distichum60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-603,5
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-607,5
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata60-80
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata15-20 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata15-25 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata15-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata20-30 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata20-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata20-30 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata25-30 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata25-30 2+2Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata30-40 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata30-40 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-50 1+3
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-50 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata50-70 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata50-80 2+3
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata60-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata30/40Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata40/60 Plg
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata5/+ 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus baccata2+0
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus media Hicksii30-50 0+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTaxus media Hillii30-50 0+1+2
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis150-175
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis25-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis50-70 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis125-150 beveerd
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis30-50 cm
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis40-60 cm
Forest and hedge plantsThuja occidentalis2+0
Forest and hedge plantsThuja orientalis1+0
Forest and hedge plantsThuja orientalis5-8mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja plicata15-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja plicata25-40 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja plicata30-50 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsThuja plicata2+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata40-602
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata40-60
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata60-80
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata80-1002
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata80-100
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata100-125
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata125-150
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata40-60 6-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata6-10mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata7-12mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia cordata8-14mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos40-602
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos40-60
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos60-80
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos80-100
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos100-125
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos125-150
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos60-90 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos90-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos90-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos100-150 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos120-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos100-150 1+1 recht
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos40-60 6-9mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos175/200 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos7-12mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos7-12mm 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsTilia platyphyllos6-10mm zetstam
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga canadensis20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga canadensis30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga canadensis40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga canadensis2+0
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga heterophylla10-20 2+0
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga heterophylla20-30 2+1
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga heterophylla30-50 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga heterophylla40-60 2+2
Forest and hedge plantsTsuga heterophylla2+0
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris40-60
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris60-80
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris80-100
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris100-125
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris125-150
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris100-125 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus campestris100-140 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra40-60
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra60-802
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra60-80
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra80-100
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra100-1252
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra100-125
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra125-150
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra30-50 5-8mm 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus glabra100/125Bare root
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus laevis60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus laevis80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor40-60
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor60-80
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor80-100
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor100-125
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor125-150
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsUlmus minor60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana40-602
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana40-60
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-80
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-100
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana100-125
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana125-150
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana50-80 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-120 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana20-40 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana30-50 1+1 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana50-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-100 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-100 1+2 3-5 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana60-100 1+2 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana50-80,2T-+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana80-120,2T-+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana20/302
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana40/602
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum lantana1+0
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-80
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-1002
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus100-125
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus125-150
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-80 – 2-3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-80 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-80 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus100-125 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus100-125 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-90 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-90 3 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-120 2 branch/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus10-20 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus15-30 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus20-40 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus30-50 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus50-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus50-80 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-80 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-90 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-120 1+1
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-120 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus100-125 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus125-150 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus150-175 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus50-80 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+2 1 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+2 2 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus100-125 1+2 3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40-60 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus50-80 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-90 1+1 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+2 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-100 1+2 3-4 branch
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus50-80 1+2 3 branch/+
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-100 1+2 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80-120 1+2 3t/+
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus60-80 3t/+ 1+2
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus30/402
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus80/1002
Forest and hedge plantsViburnum opulus40/+ – 3 branchBare root
Forest and hedge plantsWeigela Bristol Ruby60/+ 0+1 2-3 branch
Forest and hedge plantsZelkova serrata30-50 1+0
Forest and hedge plantsZelkova serrata60-90 1+1

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